Hattet ihr schonmal einen richtigen Horrorflug?
Also so beispielsweise einen Flug der ewig lange auf sich warten ließ, dann war die Kabine voller unhöflicher Karens und schreiender Kinder die von denen eines an von hinten an euren Sitz tritt und so weiter und so fort
When we flew from Palma, the sun and the world was still fine. The weather conditions deteriorated on the first half of the flight. Over the Alps we got into heavy turbulence. The plane fell in air holes so that you were meant to be right down. Similarly, the fertilizers were so that they were to be catapulted into space. People screamed and held their hands on the face. Some fingers to pray. Flight accompaniment has no more words. When you saw out the window, only outlines of fear-inspiring monsters were to be seen. Time seemed to stand. Like a miracle, there were no casualties or dead.
Hahaha Karens are simply everywhere 🙂
I flew to DomRep in 2005, with stopover in Punta Cana to take the passengers with this destination there.
The problem: a baggage seemed to be more on board than residual passengers were counted. For safety reasons, the short further flight to Puerto Plata could not take place. Because during the repeated counting passengers had gone to the toilet again and again, that was just never true.
Only after the threat of the captain, that all passengers would get out and let their luggage identify, it finally worked with counting and we could fly.
The idea of identifying the baggage was already the horror, because that was an Airbus A330 where the baggage was in large aluminium containers. Only until they had been unloaded would probably have taken time, and then every piece of baggage had to be pulled out of them and then the whole thing again in the reverse order before the short hopser could have been carried out to Perto Plata (if at all). Pretty much the last thing you would want after a long transatlantic flight.
I’m not personally. But a buddy of mine had a horro flight last year. So unfortunately, the racist is, but otherwise it’s really nice. And on the flight, the stop had been sitting between blacks and tya, as a racist you don’t like it. So he’s still catching up on how bad it was for him today and we’re always making fun of him.
I had to think about it right now https://youtu.be/YkIhVjrRjK0
Omg like cring you are
We’ve been flying to Bulgaria with a totally vested Tupolew.
The regular machine fell out.The part was without anything,no oxygen masks, until the departure it took hours again,and the tires had zero profile and the carcass was visible.
But at the end it was a super pilot, shortly before landing a heavy thunderstorm that he had flew clean.
Total loss of insolvent Air Berlin.No replacements received.
Some other stories.
It has been going down for years,no food,no service,narrowing seats,eingepfercht like cattle,
my flight trips are history.
Unless I get rich again. Then a first class scheduled flight.
Yes and there were also very strong turbulences.
I fly very rarely!😅
More often