Hattet ihr schon mal Konflikte mit euren Fahrlehrern?

Hattet ihr mal einen Streit oder Diskussion mit einem Fahrlehrer? Oder wart ihr mal unzufrieden?

Ich hatte gestern meine erste Fahrstunde und meine Fahrlehrerin kam mir nicht wirklich sympathisch rüber. Könnte ich wechseln? Habt ihr Erfahrungen?

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1 year ago

Hi, first of all, you don’t have to understand, but if it doesn’t work, you can change. I was at least like that. At that time I also discussed a lot with my instructor until he finally meant that it had no sense and pointed me to a colleague.

Talk openly if you don’t feel comfortable. Once change should not be a problem, but it is no certainty that it will be better afterwards.

1 year ago

Well, my truck driver was such an old Swabian original rock for which the mosquito belongs to normal life. But you can handle it, you know that man can’t do it any other way and there’s no malice behind it.

However, one hears again and again about driving instructors who are currently mentally ill-treating their pupils. I’m sure they’re not individual cases.

The record is that the driving schools are happy about every driving instructor they can get. They can’t just throw someone out, because there’s no one else who could take the job, and then you’d have riders to whom you can’t give driving hours. While the most disgusting driving instructor knows that he gets a job right away in the next best driving school, because you take anyone you can get there.

Of course, you can ask within the driving school if you can get another instructor. Only if there is no other driver with free capacity (which is the rule), you cannot help.

You can also change the driving school. This is usually associated with appreciable extra costs… and there you will also be assigned to a driving instructor who has just free capacities. I’m sure it won’t be the one that all the pupils find cool.

1 year ago

Often I would say how it is in the forest etc….you can change naturally, but is associated with enormous costs u there is no guarantee that it will be better

1 year ago

Yeah, just wanted to make money. My 2nd instructor was directly sympathetic to me and gave me the exam after 4 units.

1 year ago
Reply to  Chink1

I described the problem in the office and then immediately got a new FL.

1 year ago


1 year ago

No, never had any problems. It was great.

1 year ago
