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Wie erbrechen?
Hey, ich brauche Tipps wie man einfach erbrechen kann. Am besten andere Tipps, als den Finger zu benutzen. Danke 🙂
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Hatte um die 300g Essiggurken heute gegessen (ja ich liebe die Dinger), aber stimmt es, dass es nicht so gut ist, so viel zu essen?
Toast Rückruf angst?
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Babybrei aufheben/lagern?
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Thank you, no! I’ve eaten and I’m sick!
And the Cheesburger looks terrible on the picture! I’d rather do my Cheesburger myself.
I’m more on food, less on body injury. I’m sure I don’t want to eat shredded milk cows.
He doesn’t have to be from MC Donalds…
I find the cheese disgusting, but as a hamburger I would take it immediately ^^^
When he tastes as he looks 😜
So much could I not eat an hour after getting up…
And chill here with a carrot
But there are also appetizing looking burgers
Mm, yeah! Eat a healthy dead pig that was tortured in the gas chamber and got a knife in the throat, just for this “leckere” meal. Wonderful.
I’m really wondering what’s going on with humanity.
such a high ding and only one layer of cheese sorry with me would be 2 or 3 layers in
I’m a vegetarian, so this burger is nothing for me. ☀️💛
my flight is late and I’m standing here the legs in my stomach 😩
would have had a real bock on something to eat or drink. Eat hot in here…
Much dear pizza 🍕🍕
I’d rather have a liver cheese.
Love a beautiful tuna 🍣 Pizza 🍕
Get it…😜