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1 year ago

In the primary school age, I have sometimes thought of packing a bag, taking my yps gadgets and then living somewhere in the calf (plastic tent plan, plastic compass, a magnifying glass that could be used as a burner…. and such things). It remained in planning.

With, I don’t know…. somewhere after the 12th year I think… one day I was even as far as I grabbed my sports bag in the front door. My older sibling (he/she just looked after me because our parents were elsewhere) kept me brief and asked where I want to go. But then turn aside and meant something like “Okay, I’m not stopping you. I’ll let Mom and Dad know later. Something about it then stopped me from my actual project, I disappeared into my room and slept in front of me.

At some point in the film I got a youth novel (there was a girl in the tea age. She left after an incident, spent time with strange people, then went on tour alone, got to know some key characters, found a job plus accommodation, earned money and managed to return that money to her mother. The book impressed me enormously. Every time I thought about running away, I read the book, thought about it, rolled my school atlas to follow the supposed route of this novel character… and then stayed in my parents’ house.

Edit: the book was called “Warteschleife” Author: Othmar Franz Lang

1 year ago

Not as a child, but as a teenager. The first time with 13 with a girlfriend to go to Cologne.

After that, I left home a couple more times until I moved out with 18.

1 year ago

No, never. I (born 1990) was a quiet boy, maybe also a little anxious, very family oriented, a house type, and had it very good at home. We’ve never disputed, too, the tone was friendly and valuable. I liked being at home and had a lot of pleasure there. Because of my grandpa and our dear animals, I would never have left home voluntarily. I wasn’t so fond of school, I’d rather have been with my grandpa and animals, and I often told myself… I’d like Uncle Rudi, he’s a pensioner and can stay home.

1 year ago

Yeah, I’ve been thinking. Had already packed my jumps (the books taken out). But I got too cold on the way. I’ll be back.

1 year ago

I wanted to break out of the psychiatry with 14 and run away to the Netherlands.
A little later with 14 I wanted to run away with my cousin into a casket on a forest cemetery. It didn’t work.

1 year ago

had it never before

1 year ago


Was there one, two times when I just walked out after a fight. But I knew I wanted to go home.

1 year ago

yes, wanted to get away more often

1 year ago

Yes, I don’t even know why )

1 year ago

I’ve never been ill with Drapetomanie.