Hattet ihr eine Hochzeitsfeier?
Eine Hochzeit ohne Hochzeitsfeier ist für mich nicht vorstellbar. Eine Hochzeit ist einer der schönsten Momente im Leben eines Menschen; sie markiert den Tag, an dem zwei Menschen eins werden, und macht ihn noch spezieller, wenn man ihn mit Freunden, Familie und geliebten Menschen feiert. Hochzeitspartys sind der Schlüssel zu jeder erfolgreichen Hochzeit, aber… meine Freundin will keine haben.
Sie will eher das Geld das wir für die Hochzeitsfeier gespart haben, zu sparen 🙁
No, I didn’t, and I can’t imagine that. I’m afraid to be at a celebration that also focuses on me and costs thousands of euros.
We didn’t even have guests and it could have been perfect.
We didn’t have honeymoon, by the way. And no rings. We didn’t spend a total of 100€.
Yes, but with more manageable size (a total of about 30 people).
I’m single.
Weddings can be a great lasting memory.
I liked the wedding of my youngest cousin. She married a gravel and married and celebrated on a Scottish castle.
So that all the wedding guests could get there, a cheap flight was organized and then a bus to the castle. Of course, the cost of our guests had to be borne.
It was a great experience on the plane to be together with all the dear relatives. This was certainly not an everyday thing for the flight crew.
At the wedding was a super good mood and many of us used it as a short holiday. So we also spent a few more beautiful days in Edinburgh.
Yeah, sure, but that’s been a long time.
In a small circle after the civil wedding.
P.S.: Marriage was later divorced, was the wrong.
So at our wedding party we were financially out with a thick financial plus! The guests have made money gifts (partly generous)!
We had a very unconventional wedding party – on a farm! XD
Everybody liked (!)! Especially since there was no dress order, etc. This was more like a big family and friends party!
Only the first time 🙂
Well, everyone likes it.
I wouldn’t want a big celebration either.
We had one and would do it again and again.
I don’t think that the celebration of the keys is something, and I didn’t become “one” with my husband (incident conception), but still a completely independent being. But still I found the day wonderful, don’t want to miss him, the preparations have been great fun, everything went smoothly. So yes, anytime.
ABER! We did that because we both wanted it. If we had no money for it at that time or something “Besseres” for which we needed it, we would have made the celebration smaller and/or later.
Do I understand? Actually, you’ve been saving longer for the celebration? That’s what your friend wanted. What changed her mind? And what does she want to save for? Just like that? I mean, clearly it’s good to have something on the high edge, not to live about its conditions, etc. – but if you’ve saved yourself for such an event? I don’t understand the background…. is there anything else to do with it?
We only had a beautiful little wedding party to two. We could concentrate on us.
That was also a condition of me to marry at all. And she didn’t mind. I don’t like a big hustle and nothing at all.
The wedding was postponed because an operation of my wife demanded that. The new appointment with celebration has not been much better yet, I got them off the hospital for one day and then I delivered them back there.
“Wedding parties are the key to any successful wedding” –> Bullshit!
Our opinion doesn’t matter. You have to agree. Come a little counter to each other. Instead of a big celebration in the hall, maybe a little gathering in the restaurant.
It doesn’t have to be an expensive party. My brother had a wonderful garden party. That was favorable, much more beautiful than in a hall and it didn’t seem excessive. The saved money they used for their first house. A very good solution, I think.
I’m more of the same opinion as your girlfriend. The money that’s thrown out can be felt like spending a month honeymoon and enjoying something.
Let’s be honest, hostages are always the same. A lot of alcohol, someone cooks, dancing and stress at the organization.
I have never been able to enjoy a marriage in my life until now, but at other wedding celebrations I have been a few times. :-