Hattet ihr dieses Jahr richtige Weihnachtsstimmung?
War dieses mal nicht in sonderlicher Weihnachtsstimmung.
War dieses mal nicht in sonderlicher Weihnachtsstimmung.
Eine Frage für die kreativen Köpfe… ich möchte ein persönliches Geschenk (mit Fotos, aber kein Fotoalbum), aber auch etwas Originelles. Zu groß sollte es auch nicht sein. Vielleicht auch etwas, das etwas mit Deutschland oder Australien zu tun hat. Vielleicht habt ihr ja spannende Ideen 🙂
Ich möchte meinem Bruder gerne ein Wichelgeschenk machen aber ich weiss nicht genau was weil es nichts grosses sein soll vor Weihnachten. Habt ihr eine Idee?
Wisst ihr wo die eins war wo ich abgebissen habe? Wollt ihr auch so was haben? Oben links war eine eins und ist jetzt weg? Die Schokolade ist lecker.
Hallo. Feiert ihr Weihnachten? Und noch schöne Weihnachten 🎅🏼 🎁🎄
Ich überlege für Weihnachten was man zum Nachtisch machen kann. Also etwas zum backen (Kuchen, Plätzchen sowas in der Art. Backen ist für mich leicht ich bekomme alles hin deshalb möchte ich was neues ausprobieren. Bitte gibt mir gute Rezepte.
My Christmas mood is no longer as pronounced as in previous times, it was okay. I don’t go to Christmas markets, I’m going to go to the cookies, the meaning of Christmas has almost gone down.
It’ll be less every year. In 2025 there will be, feeling, maybe no more Christmas mood. Only the Romanians (Roma), who make Christmas music (for donations) in the trains and subways, still show Christmas mood.
2022 was the football World Cup in Advent. I thought that was terrible. But when she was over, I really came to Christmas.
It’s always in my family that Christmas is beautiful. The gifts are not the most important.
Something snow (beside the road!) missing…
You can’t have everything. 🤷🏼
Christmas is certainly not enough for past times in childhood, but in Christmas mood I still come. In most cases, small things such as an Advent calendar or a particularly beautiful situation are sufficient.
This year there was quite a lot of snow and it was cold in the meantime. The Christmas markets took place again normally, and the Advent season was really long. That is why I have not felt more or better Christmas mood, but it has undoubtedly given it.
Christmas mood is present every year, although not as strong as before.
So I’ve tapped otherwise because I don’t have a Christmas party or a Pentecost and there’s no Easter for me, I don’t think I have any faith and even if Christmas Pentecost Easter doesn’t interest me in the least!!
You’ve become an atheist. Or how to understand.
And it’s still. Through many executions and preparations, through events such as meetings and celebrations.
The question is. What is Christmas mood?
For me, Christmas is a thing with which one of the winters does not seem so gray and long.
One is busy and the cold gray winter is just a little bite 😅
For years again a tree, christmas and classic Christmas dinner. We haven’t been with us for a long time.
The mild climate but also the war in Ukraine.
The mild climate?…last week it still had -5 degrees during the day 🥶
Yes last week 😃
But unfortunately not this week. Now -5 degrees and some snow would have been optimal.
Snow chaos in Christmas traffic. Ne, I don’t think 😅
Christmas can lick me at a***
Of course!
Electricity prices go up and energy costs it’s all worse than before by Green SPD.
No consumption noise, no customs.
This time I got through the bullshit.
And it still stops.
No, I didn’t.
Not really and you?
Snow is missing
I haven’t had such a mood for years since the children are all out of the house and live their own lives with their families.