Has anyone ever had a bladder infection without pain?
I'm going to the doctor soon, so don't worry.
I'm wondering if I have a bladder infection (again, last 6 months ago) because I haven't been able to hold my urine well for a few days…
That was the case last time too, but I also had lower abdominal pain at times.
Has anyone here ever had this without such pain or burning?
Urine cannot hold has to do something with bladder inflammation.
In this case, an ammonia-like odor and sometimes also a very strong dyeing is also typical.
But there are also bladder infections without pain.
I have them more often.
With me, bladder infections rarely hurt.
Okay, and how does that look to you when you have it?
Thank you.
My urine smells chemically (similar to ammonia) and I often have to go to the toilet.
Yeah, that can be. But last time I had it, and it went away again.
Whoever cannot hold the urine has (additionally) a bladder weakness.
But you can hold the urine?