Has anyone ever had a bladder infection without pain?

I'm going to the doctor soon, so don't worry.

I'm wondering if I have a bladder infection (again, last 6 months ago) because I haven't been able to hold my urine well for a few days…

That was the case last time too, but I also had lower abdominal pain at times.

Has anyone here ever had this without such pain or burning?

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8 months ago

Urine cannot hold has to do something with bladder inflammation.

In this case, an ammonia-like odor and sometimes also a very strong dyeing is also typical.

But there are also bladder infections without pain.

I have them more often.

With me, bladder infections rarely hurt.

8 months ago
Reply to  Lydielondon

My urine smells chemically (similar to ammonia) and I often have to go to the toilet.

8 months ago

Whoever cannot hold the urine has (additionally) a bladder weakness.