Hätte ich hupen sollen?

Ich kam innerorts auf eine Ampel zu, welche eine Linksabbieger und Rechtsabbiegerspur hat. Da ich nach rechts wollte, habe ich mich natürlich auf die Rechtsabbiegerspur eingeordnet und links neben mir (auf der Linksabbiegerspur) war ein weißer Transporter.

Als die Ampel grün wurde, bog ich rechts ab bis ich auf einmal bemerkte das der weiße Transporter aus dem nichts auch nach rechts will und mich fast gerammt hat.

Ich (als Fahranfänger) war natürlich erstmal perplex und wusste auch nicht wer den Schaden am Auto hätte bezahlen müssen wenn es keine Zeugen gäbe und der Fahranfänger wie bekannt immer Schuld ist…

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1 year ago


Officially legal in this case it is allowed to hupen

You don’t have to hup.

I would have honed in your case because it can be officially forbidden and punishable by him, and it has been very dangerous of him and it is indeed very assicial to make such a crime.

I very much insult the ghost-driver-speed transporter driver that he either does not know the StVO or that he must always live in a hurry.

Have fun driving and good luck with the other cars.


1 year ago
Reply to  CJJGgaming

Najaa, this is not yet a crime.😊

1 year ago

It’s the wrong expression.

Hupe is a warning signal (there are exceptions)

When you noticed it, you should have been allowed to alert him to a danger

No more, you can’t hup if you don’t agree with anything.

By the way, honing car corso are illegal

Also welcome by hupe.

And if you want to pick someone up.

Should you have learned in the driving school

1 year ago

The horn is used as a warning instrument and therefore admissible in your case. Whether it would have done something is another question.

https://www.fahrtraining.de/blog/hupen/#:~:text=Included%20, %20, %20, %20, %20, %20, %20

1 year ago

If you could’ve done anything, it’s something else.

In the situation you’re describing, it doesn’t sound like it was at a dead angle where the horn would have brought some attention. Apparently, he just wanted to come in on the devil.

In the event of an accident, you should be able to recognize that if someone bends off the wrong track and moves in the right track. In such cases, he has the fault that changes the lane, because he has to check his way. From turning off the wrong track. At these traffic lights, the bending tracks are generally separated with solid lines from a certain distance to the holding line, which again prohibits the lane change.

“The driver is guilty” does not allow insurance and no lawyer to apply. This is a maximum of the linguistic conclusion when the accident is traceable to inexperienced behaviour. In your case, it would be relatively easy to dismiss.

1 year ago

Hupen wouldn’t have used anything to you… And of course, the starter is NOT always guilty.

1 year ago

Hupen is only allowed to prevent danger. This does not apply if the potential danger is already over.