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Field of vision? Urgent to the ophthalmologist and best also in addition to the pediatrician. LG
Okay, thank you, was rather so bright and also moved to the right where it became more like a whimper (eye whims?)
I don’t know, there are many causes. Even if you only have an increased blood sugar, you can blind it. So let’s check through.
also, it should be ruled out causes before you blow something and then the damage becomes irreparable.
Okay, thanks, even though I’ve had this before 1.5 years ago and had no problems anymore?
Maybe it was just a one-time exterminator who knows what didn’t fit. If you go to the family doctor or an ophthalmologist anyway, you can talk to her.
Had it yesterday, and 1.5 years ago and before within a year as 2,3 times
Oh, just recently and more often, I’ve read it on your question. Well, I’d go to the doctor. If that’s accurate now, the chance is better for him to find something.