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Normally not No, but if this should be distributed several times or very often over the day, you can visit an HNO doctor.
All a question of frequency, length etc.
“the dose makes the poison”
Having nasal bleeding from time to time is almost “normal” if this does not last long (as long as I define +20min) then this is not worrying first.
Otherwise, your HNO can best help you!
No, one-time nasal bleeding is not dangerous.
Bow head forward, put cold cloth in the neck, do not swallow blood, but let go.
If the bleeding does not stop after 15 minutes, visit doctor.
Nose bleeding becomes dangerous only when it occurs more frequently (can be a sign of high blood pressure) or there is a coagulation disorder (e.g. taking blood-diluting drugs such as Macumar or ASS, or diseases such as hemophilia)
It stopped after a few seconds and I didn’t have nasal bleeding
Then it’s unpleasant, but harmless.
If it doesn’t stop, then yes, otherwise not.
Can’t hurt if you go to the doctor.
No, not really.
I always have (about half a year). No problems with this (except blood stains on the shirt).
Depends on how the nose bleeding has come about
Easy for couple seconds
Then it is probably nothing dangerous, the tips you have already received from other users. But if it happens again, I’d have it checked at the HNO for security reasons.
No. Press the nose tightly and don’t put your head back. Usually this is over after 5 minutes at the latest. If this happens frequently, you should talk to your doctor about it. There is no need to worry about rare nasal bleeding.
No. Nose bleeding is not life-threatening. It’s harmless.
Life in itself is life-threatening. Especially nostrils.
Should a doctor look at you.
You really don’t have to harass a doctor for every little thing. No wonder some waiting rooms are full.
I know if there was a blow on the head or the like. In addition, sudden nasal bleeding can indicate something more serious.
I wouldn’t necessarily go to the doctor in case of cut injuries or bruising or the like…
That’s why. Few information from the questioner. The situation is not predictable. And nasal bleeding, especially regular, can be something serious, but only a doctor can say that.
There was no mention of a blow to the head at all, but one can naturally make an elephant from every mosquito.
Yeah, it’s a nasal tumor.
yup in the next 30 min. it is over
go to the doctor, no one can help you here
You don’t go to the doctor for a nasal bleeding.