Hatte eine Handgelenksfraktur und musste Operieren und 2 Eisen Stäbchen wurden reingemacht und heute kam Gips runter und das Zeug raus?
Jetzt habe ich eine Schiene und bei meinen Knöchel wo die Finger anfangen wenn ich sie berühre fühlt es dich so an als ob sie schlafen also spüre ich da wenig
kann es sein dass es so ist weil der gips da ein Monat drüber war und ich nie mehr was gespürt habe in diesen einen Monat
Can it be that the rail was too tight?
Rail came only today it was before the plaster
it can be
Then go back tomorrow and say there’s no real feeling in there. It shouldn’t be.
Now the hand has to learn everything right when moving.
Wait a half a year. After two years, everything’s okay.
But the feeling is normal?
There was a nerve squeezed.
Move the hand and send the desire to improve the universe. To manifest the healing and improvement.
I’ve been doing this for 20 years, when my two smallest fingers are on my hands. So far it has always helped: to be the creator and healer.
Okay, but that’s because I tried for a second what happened? Don’t hurt
You still have to keep it safe and move it carefully.Ob you bandage, wrap or otherwise use it as a tool is no matter.
You can’t handle it yet.
Feel what’s broken, you haven’t been used long. You have to learn this, but be careful.
Don’t worry about overloading. You need it a long time. Let it be healthy.
Do you understand?
Reason and responsibility for this is now necessary. _ You can!
Okay many thanks to this bandage, can I do it down? Because I wanted to try today how to move
I don’t know.
Ask the doctor.
But can I drive dsmit?
or do it down?
Because it still needs a support until it’s completely hot again.
You can now, with support, teach it to be healthy again.
But why did I actually get a rail nich, the gypsum came down today as the bone is well looked out or healed but is still difficult but now I got a rail/bandagd to dress and pull out
But what about the rail? Can I do them down sometimes because to wash the doctor said yes