Has August always had 31 days?

Because after a month that has 31 days the next month always has 30 days and August is the only month that has 31 days after a month with 31 days, I wanted to know if August has always had 31 days?

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1 month ago


Yes August has always had 31 days.


1 month ago

It has been introduced quite new.

1 month ago

That’s what Emperor Augustus introduced. July, named after Julius Caesar has 31 days and when he found that he was no less significant than Caesar, also had to have the month named after him, that is August 31 days.

1 month ago

No, at the time of the Neanderthals you didn’t even have one August.

1 month ago

Yes, if you hold the ankles of your two hands together, you can see that the middle two ankles are up and that’s always 31 days. And if you count the interspaces then you know what month as many days has the surveys are always 31 days and the valleys between the finger bones are always 30 days or 28 days.

So if you count from the left then the finger bone of the little finger on the left of January is the depression next to the February of the finger bones of the ring finger on the left of March and so on.

1 month ago

Look why this is so.

Yes, as long as I live, August has always had 31 days.

1 month ago

August has 31 days since the Jewish calendar reform 2070 years ago.

1 month ago

So much I know He had