Hat wer Erfahrungen mit der Pille danach?
Ich überlege mir gerade die Pille danach zur Sicherheit zu besorgen. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Schwangerschaft ist eher gering, deshalb möchte ich abwägen ob die Pille danach nicht eher doch unverhältnismäßig ist.
If what could have happened, she’ll get you, but she’s only sure if you haven’t had an ovulation yet.
The pill after that is not a contraceptive. She’s moving ovulation. If no contraception span has happened, it is completely unnecessary. She’s just messing up your hormone balance.
I forgot to take my pill in the first week but had GV.
Then get the pill in the pharmacy.
Then leave it. I don’t care. The next question is then help I am pregnant what should I do
I don’t know if it’s really necessary there’s no sperm coming in, I know of course lust drops can also include sperm that is my consideration.