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3 years ago

arguments for that?

that becomes difficult- because even if you convince that it is not more dangerous than others- then the biggest problem comes.

It’s fucking expensive.

already at an older used motocross are at 3000 € (85s 4 years old) – 4000 ( 125s 4 years old)

Then all the equipment.

For training, someone must bring you to the club with trailers or transporters.

And maintenance is very often to be done.

e.g. All 10 hours of Oelwechsel –

3 years ago
Reply to  Gluecksklee352

you underestimate how much maintenance costs and yet she loses worth.

the values I had told you were used for 4 years old. they have lost 50% in the 4 years

you lose 600€ each year, only from 6 years it becomes stable, but then you are also in the area where only a few of such a machine still want to have.

So you lose worth every year and you can put at least 500€ in maintenance every year.

Conclusion: Motocross means- Burning money

I know what I’m talking about. I drive myself and my son(12) drives also- SX 85 and even at the small 85- it costs me at least 2000€ just to keep the machine ready for driving.

3 years ago

Well, there are good reasons for this. Even though some people see it as easy and not exhausting, Cross is a sport and a very exhausting sport. Duration and bowls are in demand. Good coordination. To exercise a sport and have a hobby, which is really fun, would be important. Everyone is not football, etc.

My son or two sons have allowed me to cross because they have no interest in anything else. We also tried a lot before. The unevenness was terrible. Already after the first pacifier course, my kids were totally happy, had topics about which they were able to tell what was fun for them. Of course, we were happy as parents. Many new friends have been found. I have also made many new acquaintances. I know 100% that my kids are starting with mopeds on the road. I see crossing as a good preparation for handling the moped. Clear, road is not comparable, but switching, behavior of the moped (e.g. strong braking, bad weather conditions etc) comes to them too good.

My kids are in a club. That was a prerequisite for me. I insisted that the kids have a youth trainer who also correctly introduces them into sports.

Yes it is expensive and it also takes a lot of time for me. Parents must be present and the moped must also be transported from A to B. This now only works with a larger vehicle or hanger in a cross machine without a road registration. Also comes to the already high costs. Future equipment, maintenance costs, gasoline, also falls are included. Financial possibilities must include this. If one saves security-relevant things in important things, one saves them in the wrong place.

Risk is there, it is a dangerous hobby. I also often have a breath. But I know that when it comes to an accident, someone is there right away. It’s never someone alone on the crossroads. Track supervision and other drivers are always there. Not comparable to road traffic where you may have to wait for help for a long time. To this end, the cohesion bomb is at our club. Everyone helps everyone. I’ll calm down.

Only those who have either understanding or even gasoline in the blood will really understand. I think it’s great, look very much at it, but don’t start with my 39 years. The sooner the better and with me the train is definitely off;)

Now, honestly, I personally see this even relaxed when my kids drive. I must be present when they drive. After running, I can’t, so I’ll sit down with the others on a lawn and make coffee cribs. It’s always funny. I wouldn’t have time, but since I have kids, I’d like to take this time for the kids.

Why don’t you just ask your parents if you’re allowed to take a pacifier course? I want them to watch. But as I said, it is expensive and the money must be available. If it’s not, you’ll have to wait until you earn money. You don’t have anything else.

3 years ago

Why do you need a justification?

If you want that thing, buy it! Where’s the problem?

Accordingly, the sufficient reason is already: Because!

3 years ago
Reply to  Gluecksklee352

Yeah. Everything’s kind of dangerous. You can also break your finger during nose drilling.

Everything is a question of how to deal with it.