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No. Telekom has an unfair competitive advantage. They include most internet and telephone lines. The other providers often need to use Deutsche Telekom’s lines
Not often but only, there is only one DSL network.
Thank you, didn’t want to fix me if someone had put a cable himself
It’s also correct not to do that.
The biggest parts of this network belong to Telekom, but not all.
Definitely no. Vodafone belongs to the cable network but the DSL network of Deutsche Telekom is then somewhat larger and the separation remains yes, the few who actually make use of both, if at all 2% of all others can only DSL or only cable internet.
The cable network belongs to Telekom, before it was the mail until it was privatized.
That’s what happened.
There are more than enough corners where only cable internet and no DSL are present.
That the DSL used to be the mail network. But the information is really rocky. Approx. 1995 and only relevant when KD is looking for his APL. The old post symbol appears occasionally.
All DSL providers would be right to use Deutsche Telekom’s DSL network.
You should think about your terms. Just writing Telekom with c is already the Fauxpas who shows how little you have.
A PC is not operated via the Internet, but its operating system. Faster is when you have more ram built in.
To use the internet, you need an Internet connection.
DSL is the old postal network. Right. The DSL speed depends on the distance from the place of residence to the street distributor. Also this is not new. also in cities have approx. 10% only 16 Mbit/s. They just live too far away.
Kabelinternet is the transmission of the Internet signal via a multimedia can. Round connections. Since the cable internet is located where there is cable TV, it is regionally limited. The servers are closer to the customer. This can provide much faster connections.
And glass fiber what you have now. As with DSL and cable internet, it is a closed network whose signals then go to the global Internet.
So you stay cooking, I’m on my job at the technology hotline of a DSL provider.
nix autsch about the old cables can no longer operate PC reasonably, the Telecom leaves many small villages outside, the glass fiber has been transferred to us by another provider,
Who goes voluntarily to Vodafone? 🤣
nö 🤷🏼 ♂️
in Germany, Deutsche Telekom does not exceed any of its services. They’re much more expensive, but they’re just running for it, and if there’s something really going on right away.
No, definitely not. Maybe in certain parts.
No. Very different.
Hello no is true because Deutsche Telekom owns all the cable networks and Vodafon only rents the cables.
Vodafon is absolutely on the descending branch. This will be the most insignificant telecommunications group in Germany in the near future.
No, and I don’t know why.
No, not really
What areas? o
Somehow, the question is also in contrast to the current situation, when it says: “Telekom and Vodafone agree on details: Vodafone customers can now also use Deutsche Telekom’s network” … o_O
In addition, 32% of Deutsche Telekom belong to the state! Therefore: Rather No!
No, Vodafone sucks.
Oh, I’m very happy with the SIMon mobile phone tariff.
But at DSL, Vodafone is real garbage.