Hat sich die Zeichnung nach dem Feedback verbessert?
seit einiger Zeit stelle ich hier viele Fragen zum Thema zeichnen und ich hab echt gutes Feedback bekommen jetzt wollte ich fragen hat sich das Bild verbessert ?
hier das Bild bevor dem Feedback
Und hier nach dem Feedback :
findet ihr die Haare sind besser mit der Farbe und sind die Brüste mehr feminine ?
Yeah, that’s better.
So I find the hair better now, more plastic.
I can’t find that with the change of the shadows of the breasts.
The blouse looks like a stiff fabric that sits very sturdy on the upper body and you don’t see the breasts through that. Does not fit to the fabric folds indicated by the crimped sides.
I look so
And you’re serious?
Joa sry I tried to make an erotic but also cheeky character and, well, had the guess that it is something about sexies 😅
both better. the blonde was simply not opaque enough and the chest is steadfast, or depending on age. You can do, you don’t have to.
what I notice is rather the head shape. to square. Besides, in the face there are some details, like laughing or something. something missing
Yeah, the second looks better, but it’s still air up. What I like to do is let me see the pictures on pinterest.com about search terms like “Anatomy drawing” or “figure drawing”, “manga proportions” etc.
Thank you very much:]
It has become the same as I imagined. It’s great how you solved the “breast party.” Let’s talk to you, that’s right!
The hair is better, but there’s still air up. For this darker color, the bright reflex is actually too bright….
And somehow it is irritating, because I don’t know if there would be a squirrel at all with as much fabric as the cut indicated here. Even if….then the pants would have been pulled up more, but it looks like the lady had the intentionally slipped to show the string…. somehow you should decide.
Ah ok 👌🏻
And thank you very much for your feedback has really helped me and adapted the chest on your basis… I try to improve the hair a little and with the cameltoe I would leave it complete now
Haha is all good 😂 joa I will make maybe I will even make 2 version once with and without even look
Jaaaaa, I don’t want to interfere too much in your ideas – this is a unique element of design in your picture. Somehow it should be more realistic. Maybe you look at photos of it…..🤷 – shouldn’t be a call to “scream”….