Hat Präsident Selenskyj keine richtige Kenntnis vom Hitlerfaschismus. Nazismus und den Taten Adolf Hitlers (Auschwitz), beim Vergleich zum Kremlchef?

Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat im Vorfeld der UNO-Generalversammlung in New York unmissverständliche Worte für den Zustand Russlands und der Politik Wladimir Putins gefunden. In einem am Sonntag erschienenen Interview mit dem Sender CBS attestierte der ukrainische Präsident der russischen Gesellschaft, den Respekt vor der Weltöffentlichkeit verloren zu haben und verglich darüber hinaus den Kremlchef mit Adolf Hitler.

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1 year ago

No reasonable comparison. Putin wanted to destroy Russia, Putin wants to make it big again. Hitler was antisemit, Putin is prosemit.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rotti733

How is Putin Prosemit?

1 year ago
Reply to  Nonkonformia

Putin does a lot for the Jews in Russia. Thus he encourages these, for example, to immigration – similar to us “refugees” from Africa and Mohammedian countries are absolutely desired by politics.

In addition, Putin is a glowing anti-fascist who celebrates the victory over Hitler Germany more than even the Secretary General of the KPdSU during Soviet times – precisely because it was a victory over an anti-Semitic state. So Putin said to functionaries:

“Russia has the greatest respect for the work that the Jewish communities carry out to preserve the historical truth of the Holocaust and the other Nazi crimes, and of course for the glorious deeds of the soldiers who died to free Europe from the “brown plague”. ‘

What is the glowing prosemit Steinmeier with us is the glowing prosemit Putin in Russia.

1 year ago

Oh, I wasn’t aware so far. To date, it has been more likely to be anti-Semitic, as it focuses on anti-western agitation, as with us the NPD – and its members are actually more or less judicially or enigmatic.

1 year ago

The war component and the political rise of both leaders, the German Empire and Russia today, is very similar.

In the 90s economic chaos was caused by the ‘shock therapy’ of the Russian economy. Then a strong man who shows himself to the oligarches as a union destroyer and one who passes through came to the ordinary people as a democratic reformer (daughter of Hitler, who had expressed his rejection of democracy from the beginning).

He then brought the economy and the military back to the fore again (naja, rather bad than right as it seems) and, through appeasement of the Western powers, got rather badly than a bit of a neighboring country. Hitler has managed to do this far more successfully. Without major losses and western interventions Austria, which took Czechoslovakia and Memel.

Well and then he just didn’t get the neck full and is escalated (as it was probably longer the plan).

So I find the comparison very striking, although of course there is no genocide in the sense. ‘Only’ ordinary war crimes on the civilian population. But does it have to come until we finally do something?

Russia must be punished.

1 year ago

Selensky is Jew and also he lost family members during the Holocaust. I’m sure he knows it, better than most Germans. He lives secularly, but still belongs to the Jewish people.

There are many parallels for the German Empire and the hypocrisy in Eastern Europe. His comparisons are therefore true.

1 year ago

The comparison is just disgusting. Hitler took Ukraine in a few months, Putin probably plays around for years.

I do not see any other similarities between the two, rather than Stalin, but Putin is not a genocide like him.

1 year ago

He is quite right, Ukraine is what Poland was for Hitler – which was called “Since 5.45 is now being shot back!” today is “special operation for the purpose of denazification”. – Only that Ukraine can defend itself significantly better than at the time Poland, and so that the Russian Nazis continues to prolong their ears successfully. You can be curious if Putin ends like Hitler, or if he is infested. Russian windows are supposed to be extremely dangerous…

1 year ago

I think he hit the nail very well. As clear as he hasn’t said anything before him.

1 year ago

Wolodymyr Selenskyj is a Jew and should know all about this time.

It is not his job, however. to argue here as a historian, but he speaks as the president of a country that has been disproportionately attacked by its neighbour.

If jeman breaks into your house, neither do you tell him that he is acting illegally and that he may break his attempt to commit a burglary.

1 year ago

as a Jew, Selenski certainly has a lot of knowledge about the HItlerfascist