hat Plasmolyse o. deplasmolyse was mit Diffusion o. osmose zu tun?
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Plasmolysis and deplasmolysis are processes in which the cell wall of a plant cell and the cell membrane are drawn together or unfolded under the influence of external factors. Plasmolysis occurs when the cell dehydrates and the cell wall and the cell membrane contract. Deplasmolysis, on the other hand, occurs when the cell is again hydrogenated and the cell wall and the cell membrane unfold again.
Diffusion and osmosis are processes in which substances (for example water, salts) move through a membrane. In the diffusion process, the substances move from a high concentration range to a low concentration range until the concentrations on both sides of the membrane are the same. In the osmosis process, the water moves from a solution with a low concentration (diluted solution) to a solution with a high concentration (concentrated solution) until the concentrations on both sides of the membrane are the same.
In connection with plasmolysis and deplasmolysis, diffusion and osmosis play an important role. During plasmolysis, the water moves out of the cell through the cell membrane to the outside, which leads to dehydrogenation of the cell and to the formation of the cell wall and the cell membrane. During the deplasmolysis process, the water is diffused back into the cell, which leads to a hydrogenation of the cell and to the development of the cell wall and the cell membrane. Osmosis also plays a role in both processes, since the water moves through the cell membrane and influences the concentrations of water and other substances on both sides of the membrane.
In short, the terms can be explained as follows:
Hope this helps in preparing for organic work!
Thank you for your help!!
and what is the semi-membrale dings for?