Hat meine Hausratte Milben am Schwanz?
Ich habe drei Farbratten bei einem
Züchter gekauft und eine von ihnen
kommt wirklich selten von alleine aus
dem Häuschen. Außerdem ist sie sehr
viel dicker als die anderen zwei, welche oft einfach so raus oder zu mir kommen und manchmal fühlt es sich so an als würde sie zittern bzw. vibrieren. Was mich aber am meisten bedrückt ist, dass ihr Schwanz plötzlich voller brauner Flecken ist und wenn man über ihren Schwanz fühlt spürt man die Flecken als kleine Erhebungen. Könnten das vielleicht Milben sein? Und wenn ja was kann man dagegen machen? Vor hin haben wir ihren Schwanz mit Rizinusöl eingerieben, weil das auch bei Milben an den Ohren hilft. Gibt es irgendetwas was ich dagegen tun kann? Und zum Tierarzt möchte ich nicht gehen, weil das zum einen sehr sehr teuer wäre und zum anderen Ratten generell keine hohe Lebenserwartung haben.
Also weiß jemand was das sein kann? Hier noch ein Bild von ihrem Schwanz:
Such an investigation of mites, including treatment if they are, does not cost 30€ at a rat, which is by no means “very expensive”.
I guess that you’re just fooling at that first question…
The photo is unfortunately little helpful when the tail was previously rubbed with oil.
It could be an already beginning ruminant by mites.
If the others really don’t have anything, it says that your rat is missing something else, otherwise, like the others, it would be done by itself with the mites.
So, get to the vet!
You’re making me STINKSAUER. You want to save money just because the animals don’t live long? Great attitude. To the veterinarian, you will have to do so or so, just what to lubricate on the rats you do not in principle.
So you should go flux with the animal to the veterinarian and check it off, otherwise be so responsible and seek new holders, you don’t seem to be suitable!
I guess that’s exactly what the FS wants to achieve since today, first question, pretty clear, right?
Unfortunately, there are so many users here and whether 1 day or 12 years, but with such questions the cord *grmml*
I think that’s where I put myself wrong. I’m sorry. Firstly, everyone I know has advised to go to the veterinarian because rats are very susceptible to illness and the veterinarian would only say in an animal with such a low life expectancy that it is no longer worthwhile that I know from a nurse. And secondly, we have also asked the animal nurse in relation to the castor oil, as the breeder recommended it to us. I hope you’re not so mad now and you can understand my point of view.
So a nonsense *lol* rats are known to get cancer ulcers at the most impossible places and I have already had some rats and not every one has become sick for all noses, the supposed “animal caregiver” seems to have no idea and if the “breeder” you should have recommended this also so then you shouldn’t take any rats from him again, a serious breeder would be
Again, pack rats in the transport box, let the vet and the animal check through.
After the last sentence I would say looking for someone who can afford animals