Hat mein Meerschweinchen durchfall?
Ich wollte grade den Stall meiner meeris machen und habe die meeris aus den Gehege genommen um den meerschweinchen TÜV zu machen. Dann habe ich bei meinem 1 jahr alten Böckchen (kastriert) diesen kot gesehen. Habe das jetzt zum ersten Mal gesehen und bin mir nicht sicher was das ist und ob ich damit zu TA gehen soll. Hoffe auf schnelle Antworten.
No, that’s harmless, the digestion is a bit unnormal, maybe you fed something new, there was stress or also because of the weather. So you don’t have to worry as long as he eats normally everything is okay
But the cot looks like parasites inside, it can only work on the picture so
my bunnies have this sometimes, isn’t bad now, but rather watch it, mine is so when they eat and then go straight to the toilet 🙂
Looks like a chair for me.
Sometimes they don’t eat him.
It’s just a small amount. See if this is going to be much more.
So it’s nIs it bad?
As long as it’s not a large area full, you don’t have to worry.
Keep watching.
Sometimes it can happen that they throw off their chair and then forget. Maybe something unusual was in it and he was not eaten. (The food goes twice for the guinea pig.)