Does my child have skin cancer?
My child (12) has nodules near a mole. Is this skin cancer or just a coincidence?
My child (12) has nodules near a mole. Is this skin cancer or just a coincidence?
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Hi, we went to the doctor about this and he just looked at it for a millisecond and said, yeah, tumor and bye, it still had a groove. The dermatologist didn't give an appointment until August and I wanted to get a few opinions on it. Does anyone know what they're talking about there who…
Hi I, a 16-year-old man, plan to see a urologist to have my Fordyce glands and hair tags removed. I'm wondering if it's safe and whether I need a parent or something.
Hello, I've had a rash for a few weeks now, mainly on my chest, back, and a little on my neck. It's important to note that I had scabies a few weeks before, but that was all gone, and then this started… Important aspects: – No itching – Minimal boils – On some days small…
Hello, my dears! Yesterday, I was painting a facade in 38-degree weather. My fellow painter and I were standing under a parasol. We constantly felt stabbing pain on our skin. Like so many little pinpricks. The lady said it was probably from the sun. I was thinking more like mini-parasites… What could that have been?…
Just get to the doctor. This does not take 1.5 years;-)
You can’t take a position without a picture. You can go to a pediatrician or a pediatrician with your child. Many FAs for pediatrics or general medicine have a light microscope. Whether a mothermal/bone is good or malignant can only be diagnosed by a biopsy. A tissue sample is sent to a histological laboratory and analyzed precisely there. Has the mothermal/bone recently changed or bleeded in color, shape, in diameter? There are dermatologists who offer open speaking hours without appointment.
We are not doctors and remote diagnostics do not even do these. Go to a doctor.
Not even a doctor could or would answer your question remotely and without having seen the liver spot. If you want to be sure, please go with your son to the skin doctor. Here’s a lay forum. No one can create a remote diagnosis.
You have to ask your doctor to send a sample to the lab.
For this there is the skin doctor;)
Date in 1.5 years
How can you diagnose it if you haven’t seen it yourself? I’m not a doctor.
Your comment won’t be smarter when you get him back.
Then: it is not skin cancer.
This is what you ask the doctor…
date in 1.5 years
Bullshit. Every pediatrician can test it. You haven’t even tried it yet.
All right. It’s skin cancer. Happy?
Of course. 🤷