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1 year ago

….not really, a “white hole” or “White Hole” in English, in astrophysics refers to a hypothetical area in space that is the opposite of a black hole. While a black hole swallows matter and energy and lets nothing escape, a white hole would eject matter and energy and leave nothing in. However, this idea is purely theoretical and there are no scientific evidence for the existence of white holes.


1 year ago


and there is nothing to say that there are mathematically permissible (time-reversed) solutions, but there is absolutely no known mechanism as such.

just because, like in the movie, I’m going to run the time backwards, getting something that I call “white hole”, doesn’t mean there’s something in reality. pretty sure not.

1 year ago

No, you didn’t. Most astrophysicists do not assume that they are.

1 year ago

No, you don’t, and it’s not a theory either. They are a mathematical construct.

1 year ago

To date, white holes are pure utopia and there is no indication of it. She just touches that you think if there’s something that swallows everything, there’s got to be something that leaves everything out what was swallowed up before.

1 year ago

Think first before you freely associate.

If a “white” hole bursts out matter, then this matter must come somewhere. You can conjure white rabbits from black cylinders, but otherwise that doesn’t happen…

1 year ago

there are no “black holes”. There are black holes.

1 year ago

No. The controversial theoretical construct

1 year ago
Reply to  AlexOhesorg

Just say, nonsense!