Hat man mit Piercings schlechtere Chancen in der Gesellschaft?

Also vor allem Piercings die man direkt sehen kann, zB. eines an der Nase. Sollte man auf Piercings verzichten, wenn man gute Chancen bei Bewerbungsgesprächen, Partnersuche, etc. haben möchte?

Ich meine nichts übertriebenes auffälliges, ganz normale dezente Piercings.

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4 months ago

I don’t want to play a role like this and I always practice in greatness and success. However, I have to admit that the combination of visible features from piercings and tattoos has an extremely negative effect on my fantastic limit.

It should be assumed that the external characteristics of a person cannot be relied upon, which mental qualities the person brings with it as a cubllification for work, but quite frankly, that is such a kind of instinct in one who wants to filter abnormalities out of the social image, and turns up against the challenge internally with negative arguments.

But as I usually work in homeoffice, the faces or other features of the most common people can just stay out of my mind and I know that everyone looks different, and not necessarily because it must correspond to his genetics. Body jewellery is just a taste and should also remain.

Finally, however, the question arises, from which reason some people want to make clear, in particular for others, what they consider to be remarkable for themselves and their own assessment.

for me, keep doing more than words, or painting or metallic jewellery as a status symbol.

Everyone stands out as he finds himself excellent, or so similar.

4 months ago

There are isolated customers who had a problem with it, but these are soooo few

4 months ago
Reply to  behanceb

In the Sanity House (work there in the workshop)

The fire department has never been a problem

4 months ago

Depends on where you want to promote and work. In the star hotel all our azubis had to take their piercings out and even cover their obvious tattoos (arm, hand…). Long hair tie to braid etc. In some professions you may also have no finger rings, earrings or long fingernails (in the surgery, for example, or massage practice-does also hurt with such long fingernails). You have to accept that or not-then you are looking for another job. I guess you have to think about what’s important.

For the interview, I wouldn’t make out the jewelry you’re wearing (if it’s not mega exaggerated) They want to meet you and you show yourself as you are. Don’t use anything if you’re moving around and different.

In general, however, I would say that piercings do not necessarily have worse chances.

4 months ago


I only give a advice on the partial question of the interview. I cannot contribute enough to other aspects.

Well, who wants to fall with the crushing rod by wearing the nose ring or otherwise where any metal parts visible by the skin, thus shows signals which are:

  • look, I’m different
  • I want to know
  • I find the company spies
  • without jewellery
  • I belong to a scene

What would I do with such a candidate? for an interview hold?

“who is already very conträr fixed and may not arrange or stick back”

–> therefore rejection, unless there is unrequested a convincing story. I wouldn’t ask.

It is open to everyone how he wants to look (deco, clothes). And that’s why I’d make sure that this picture fits the place or the operation.


4 months ago
Reply to  behanceb

It’s like with any decoration: who is applying for an interview as a salesman in the yellow jacket, he’s also on the other hand – except he is applying for yellow electricity. So that’s all about it: it should be just appropriate. If you take leisure to an idea, you will also be measured. Men’s jewellery is more critical than women’s jewellery because it is more striking. And every adult knows this effect and wants it.

Maybe that’s right. But why risk?

Central question: the candidate cannot adapt and arrange (in the circle of colleagues) or does he not want to? The result is the same…

You should be able to differentiate between leisure, hobby and work.

Of course, it is only to put an office worker Other Claims as a specialist. Therefore, only general comments. Better I exaggerate, and “you” (if it should be your person at all) still have no disadvantage by that, as you experience an unpleasant surprisethat you would have spared, and no one warned you about it.


4 months ago
Reply to  Doktorelektrik

Have you ever thought that people can simply like it like other everyday jewelry or earrings? Without that there is something bigger behind

4 months ago
Reply to  soolyy

I’ve been thinking…

Answer: “No, I’m stupid….”

What is it about? For provocation or advice?

My taste doesn’t interest at all here, but my impression is very good.

  • If you want to notice, you do.
  • If you don’t want to be noticed, you’ll leave.

It’s only bad if you want one, but the other.


4 months ago

That’s not what I meant. I had only made your opinion in my eyes curious, which is why I wrote my first comment to learn more or to enrich or to be enriched by myself. Since I now realize that you seem to have no interest in a discussion or the like, but more to make me go down and feel yourself attacked, that’s a good thing.

4 months ago

I don’t want to please you, why should I? It was about the questioner, not about you. Those who are so sensitive to question their impact on others also in application situations deserve an honest opinion. Objective: to arrive as the questioner wants to arrive.

I’m so stubborn that I just thought about it. Sure, that’s how you define tightness. Are you in front of the mirror?


4 months ago

Your way of communicating seems to me extremely provocative. Not everyone thinks so stupid.

All good

4 months ago

I personally don’t like it, but it is not about me and my feelings. The view and possible motives are quite clear above.

in my case this has been very nice and very short.

4 months ago

No, of course there are some people who hate piercings, but also some people who find piercings really cool. Most people see it more neutral.

And hardly a job or hardly a partner would be so great that you have to bend for it. Especially a partner who doesn’t like you because of piercings would certainly not be a good partner.

4 months ago

Yes, unfortunately. There are differences.

Piercings on the ears are now widely accepted, Nostril also in women. But other piercings in the face and especially in men are not yet.

Have a septum and sometimes have to hide what I find a pity.

4 months ago

Whether piercings make a negative impression in the professional sector depends very much on the industry and in private on personal preferences. It may also be an advantage.

Basically, however, it is clear that without piercings you are less polarized.

1 month ago
Reply to  juliaw0711

My intimpiercing hasn’t disturbed anyone yet. On the contrary, there has been a question of why and why I trust one. Dan, I’m willing to answer and is good.

4 months ago

Bader chances? I don’t think so.

Yes, there are people, especially when searching for a partner who, for example, simply don’t like piercings and you don’t get into question at all.

In the case of interviews, it is important to know where to apply. But I don’t think it should be a problem in most jobs, especially if not many piercings.


4 months ago
Reply to  behanceb

If there are no problems.

I completed the training as an industrial clerk and have both visible piercings and tattoos

4 months ago


4 months ago

I can’t confirm. I have a septum that you always see, and yet I never had the feeling of being disadvantaged or even condemned in any way.

4 months ago

Think, but earrings and nasen piercing go even if you stand