Hat man die IHK Prüfung mit einer 5 in SK bestanden?
Hallo, ich habe gerade meine Ergebnisse für die Abschlussprüfung als Industriekauffrau bekommen. In GP habe ich eine 3 (75 Punkte), in WS eine 4 (64 Punkte) und in SK eine 5 (45 Punkte). Wie wird dies gewichtet und wie berechnet sich die Gesamtnote.
Economic and social science:
64 P (3,6) + 45 P (4,7) = 54,5 P (,2)
You could have been lucky again.
However, this note is only expected to be 10% for the official examination result.
Business processes is a separate audit area that you have at 75% in any case with 2.8 passed. This note is expected to be 40%.
All in all, you have now reached 10% of 54.5 P and 40% of 75 P = 35.45 P of the total score. If you now create the remaining areas (orally, commercial control and control) with a smooth 1 (100%), then the final result would be 85.45 P = 2.1
Thank you very much for the quick detailed answer 🙂 I assume with the remaining areas you mean the oral examination of my selected subject or ?
I don’t think you’re allowed to be under 30 percent in any test, otherwise you’ll be checked
I’d say no. Sign up for a check.