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all not uniform.
With blood in the chair, the color is important.
But it doesn’t just help to speculate from a distance.
It is best to discuss the specific situation with the doctor and the doctor (procologist) in the second half. He can examine and possibly also perform a bowel reflection, then you have clarity.
speaks more for hemorrhoids or a fissure or an eczema.
Therefore, no panic, but let the experts make their own certainty.
Blood in the chair has many causes, if it is blood and not food residues. Also the color is important. Bright red blood can also speak for hemorrhoids. The best way to visit the doctor
You can’t answer that, it can be hemorrhoids, so you should watch it and if it gets worse off with the doctor
The most common reason for blood in the chair are simply hemorrhoids. But of course, it could also indicate colon cancer..
Tip: go to the Doc so you can calm down.
Supplement: Hemorrhoids are seen with blood. Blood in the chair through too dark color of what comes out below.
Differently, with the aid of the frequency and quantity hardly determinable. Only one endoscopy gives information.
Visible blood only comes to 0.01% of colon cancer (99.9% of harmless hemorrhoids).