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Depends on:
The birthday (which we celebrate and which is in the ID) is set to a whole date. So a 24-hour period.
But when it comes to the question of when your body is a number of n years in this world, it comes to the time.
From a legal point of view you have completed the corresponding year of life with the end of the day before your birthday.
Are you, for example, on 6. You then born in March 2006 with the 5th anniversary. March 2024 (at 0 a.m.) the 18th Year of life completed.
You have birthday as soon as you get a year older, and from the time on you have 24h birthday
From the time of birth to 24h thereafter
For me one has a birthday all day, because it is also birthDay and not birthsect. If someone asks you when you have your birthday, you do not say the time, but the day and the ID card is also the date and not the time. It’s the day you were born.
It’s the day, not the hour. That’s why it’s called birth day.
A white man:)
If you would take it strictly, then from the time when you were born. But you actually celebrate the whole day. Actually, it’s the whole day.
Although not many were born exactly at 00:00 and actually was born much later, it might be weird, but well.
By the way, very good question!
The day of birth begins from 00.00. If you want to take it quite accurately, you will not be older until your birth less than 1 year.
It’s called birth day and not birth hour or minute. And the day you were born begins at 0 a.m.
It just counts the day you were pressed out. If it was at 00:01 or 23:59, it is wurscht.
From the date from 00.00 a.m., it is called birth “day”.
It’s birthday, not birthday.
You can celebrate 24 hours from 0:00. also means birthday! In addition, many do not know their exact birthday/minute.
If your 18th is stupid. Birthday Bundestag election would be and you would have been born only after 6:00. 🤓
It’s the birthday party.
From 00:00
It means “births”Day” and not birth/birth minute.
But at birth someone is born. I actually also say from 00:00 even though there (possibly) was not yet born
But the day when someone was born begins.
By the way, there are many countries where the day of birth is expected to be the 1st birthday and thus they are actually even 1 year older.
From the time of birth – no one celebrates in practice