Hat jemand Vorschläge?
Ich bin ein absolutes morgen Muffel und ich hasse es frühstück zu essen (keine Essstörungen oder sowas). Jedenfalls bin ich nicht die dünnste Person und ich mache mir ein wenig Sorgen da ich lange kein Frühstück mehr gegessen habe. Ich habe immer nur Abend und Mittagessen gegessen. Jedenfalls spüre ich jetzt schon meine Rippen und ich weiß dass das nicht so weiter gehen kann. Hat jemand vielleicht vorschläge was man am Morgen essen könnte was aber auch gesund ist? (Wenn es geht ohne Eier).
It’s a difficult subject.
I personally never eat anything at an early stage (always felt) & eat something even at lunch & evening.
So at 6:00 p.m. > 13/14 p.m., there’s something for the first time.
I don’t have a problem with it, I don’t accept it, so keep my weight.
Vllt you can make a smoothie early or try it with a yogurt.
I’ve been told that you have to train the body so you’re hungry early.
So start small as said with smoothie or jogurts & then increase with vllt a slice toast or a bunny, bowls are also always super & very much fruit early.
You can also take more kcal to you at lunch or in the evening to cover the need as it seems too little to you.
Good bread as a fill. Well occupied, sash cut, favorite drink to it, and bite decoration vegetables or fruits to make the saps have something to bang. 😁
Not too early, I don’t like that either.
Take oat flakes with milk.
If you want to cut fruit
It is simple and contains the necessary macronutrients that your body needs.
Yogurt with fresh fruit.