Hat jemand von Euch schon mal Xtasy Pillen genommen, was für Erfahrungen habt Ihr damit gemacht?

Da die Pillen keine spezifische Wirkstoffmenge oder -Zusammensetzung haben stelle ich mir vor dass die unterschiedlichsten Wirkungen dabei heraus kommen können

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2 months ago

Hi Ghettysburgh,

as you have already indicated in your question: in Ecstasy you never know exactly what is in it and how much of it. Therefore, there are also so-called drug-checking projects where you can analyze your pill(s).

If drug checking is not possible, we always recommend to consume only a small amount and then wait to see how the effect is. And note the other usual Safer Use rules (here from saferparty.ch)

Use drug checking. If this is not possible, first test a quarter or maximum of a third pill.

Don’t sit right down, wait two hours for action first.

Drink 3 dl of water or isotonic drinks per hour. No alcohol.

Do not consume MDMA directly after eating or on an empty stomach – it is recommended to take a light, healthy and well digestible meal a few hours before.

Accept when the effect ends. “Afterspicking” does not bring anything when the serotonin stores are empty.

Take your time to recover and take breaks from 4–6 weeks after every consumption.

Make sure to cool you again and again (e.g. in the fresh air) and not wear warm clothes or headdresses.

People with high blood pressure, heart problems, thyroid hyperfunction, liver and kidney diseases or circulatory problems should not consume MDMA!

Women usually need lower doses for the same effect than men, so women should pay attention to the strength of the pill and possibly take less.

Dispense with alcohol and drink enough soft drinks. About 3 dl per hour are ideal. The best isotonic beverages to avoid hyponatriemia (“water poisoning”).

Put in dance breaks at parties and go to the fresh air.

Do not wear headgear, except for strong sun (overheating risk!).

If you take medication, inform your doctor about possible interactions. When taking psychopharmaceuticals, the consumption of MDMA is strongly advised (gefahr von

Best regards

Peter vom DigiStreet-Team der Drughilfe Schwaben

2 months ago

I’m not, but I’m experiencing something with people. Either they’re mad and happy, or strange. Once I’ve also experienced how one is almost tilted because it has become too much in combination with alcohol

Let the fingers of this shit die in the worst case

2 months ago

In the worst case, even death.

More “effect” is not possible.