Hat jemand PKW-Erfahrungen mit Hybrid-Motor?
Ich erwäge, einen Renault Clio oder Peugeot 208 mit Automatik zu kaufen. Wie sieht es mit Spritverbrauch und Reparaturanfälligkeit aus? Keine Japaner usw.
Ich erwäge, einen Renault Clio oder Peugeot 208 mit Automatik zu kaufen. Wie sieht es mit Spritverbrauch und Reparaturanfälligkeit aus? Keine Japaner usw.
Hallo, ich schaue mich nach einem Fahrzeug um was rund 100.000€ kostet, der Händler weißt daraufhin das wenn das Auto für Export gekauft wird es „nur“ 85.000€ kostet, sonst gelten die knappen 100.000€ für das Auto. darf ich das Auto den kaufen als Export und dann einfach nicht exportieren? Ich meinte das es für Export…
Mein altes Auto gibt bald den Geist auf bin gerade 20 geworden habe, immer fast immer mein ganzes Ausbildungs Gehalt gespart und so 30k angehäuft. Hab noch ein Jahr Ausbildung dann bin ich fertig könnte mein Aktien Sparplan unterbrechen und hätte so 800€ pro Monat für ein Auto zuverfügung welches könntet ihr mir empfehlen wenn…
Have experiences as employees of a car rental company. It is quite pleasant in the city, as quiet. In the city, significant reductions in consumption are possible, but only minimal on the highway. If necessary, the electric motor helps the internal combustion engine. If everything applies to full hybrids including “Plugin” versions, with Mildhybrids a lot is different, these can not drive purely electrically.
Why? They build the most technically sophisticated and durable hybrid models, for example Toyota with the pioneer named “Prius”. German manufacturers are probably never on the technical stand that this car had in the 90s.
nen specified sprite smoking can enter the ton, which applies only to the first 100km and also then it is with caution to enjoy and then, when the battery is empty, the consumption will bang up.
otherwise… yes both go as small cars
Can it be that the OP of HEV speaks and you of PHEV, where there are IIRCs in that model of the latter?
Why not? Because, unlike Renault or Peugeot, they may be too reliable?
Because I’m the guy who buys cars even after the look, so optically beautiful cars.
What’s a nice car for you when it’s always in the workshop?
I don’t think the Clio or 208 is so ugly. There were even more horrible French cars, but everyone likes him.
Always have two because my wife rarely needs her. Thank you. Bye and always good ride. At 80 years and after 2 million km, I still have fun.
Of course there is, only it is annoying if you don’t have your car when you need it.
I guess I was lucky. There is still the warranty.
I had new vehicles, which stood several times in the workshop in the first year. Japanese wasn’t one of them.
Over the last 40 years I have bought and drove around 30 new cars from all kinds of brands. None of them were, even not from the 10 French, except for the normal service in the workshop. Since I was driving young cars all the time, the workshop problem didn’t arise.
well repair susceptibility u French, for that no Japanese…sometimes something doesn’t fit together…