Hat jemand “Mein Kampf” gelesen?
Wenn ja wie war es ?
Können sie sich mit ihrem Gehalt nur über Wasser halten oder sich ein normales Leben leisten? Danke
Ist die Aufgabe einer Komplexen Leistung meiner Schwester und ich bin kein Ass in Geschichte kann da jemand helfen ?
Hi Leute ich suche momentan einen Ausbildungsplatz und das ist mein Lebenslauf. Ich würde mich freuen wenn Ihr eure Meinung dazu sagt
Hallo, ich überlege, wegen meiner Arbeit nach Frankfurt zu ziehen. Wie würdet ihr das Leben dort beschreiben? Wofür ist Frankfurt neben den Banken bekannt? Ist die Stadt lebendig oder eher auf Business ausgerichtet? Was würdet ihr dort empfehlen? Ist Frankfurt so teuer wie München oder Hamburg?” Bitte nur antworten wenn ihr die Stadt gut kennt!
At that time, 40 years ago, I had started reading it at the beginning of my studies and finally read it about 5 years ago. I think completely I have, for professional reasons, good and happy 15 x through.
If that is the case, what do you say neutrally to Hitler’s statements about the mistakes and problems of democracy and the parliamentary system?
What should one say to a book in which Hitler described his inhuman, anti-Semitic and violent views? Small example of the disgusting rubbish:
“He who is not physically and mentally healthy and worthy shall not perpetuate his suffering in the body of his edge. This is where the country has the greatest educational work. He must act in this sense without regard to understanding or misunderstanding, endorsement or disapproval.”
A torn call for murder and on the line of this programmatics, then a national-socialist country-tag member in front of the Prussian State Health Council first called for forced sterilization and extensions of the sterilization dictations in order to allow the latter to be carried out later with the action T4 ice cold with murders.
…soll I call myself stressika2 and then I say you are?
Adonis is not really so special…
all clear “ADONIS 😉
I am not a questioner
I wonder if you read it. Or whether you were only interested in individual passages, or whether you might have simply taken over the opinions of third parties.
As you write here you will see yourself as a kind of historian, there are statements like
I’m totally inexplicable.
History must be debated again and again, so you always gain new insights. There is no space for flat-rate depreciation of major works of their time.
Do you write here with your second account if you are the questioner?
… I would like to repeat my conclusion about THE book in its entirety!
What should one say to a book in which Hitler described his inhuman, anti-Semitic and violent views?
All thoughts written down there end in their connection at the same door! Does that answer your question, in my opinion, on the issue of “failures and problems of democracy and the parliamentary system”?
Beautiful text, certainly interesting, but you might want to read my question again.
I did not ask you for a summary of your thoughts, but in your opinion on a specific subject of the book.
I would like to add the following to understand. The insemination and radicality also experienced the racial-biological thinking in national socialism thanks to “My struggle”. Here it was a central part not only of the racist propaganda or the biological-medical research of the Third Reich, but of its entire political ideology and practice. From Hitler’s “My Fight”, in which, as I said in the previous commentary, an extensive chapter on eugenics finds itself, about his policy of extermination against European Judaism, which he still perceived as a struggle for survival of the German race in her most cruel final phase, to his last statements in the Berlin Bunker on the valuelessness of the German people, if it should actually lose the war. Hitler’s understanding of the world and that of National Socialism were permeated by an eugee-darwinist racism. In precisely this combination of uninhibited eugee fantasies of manipulative race generation and the simultaneous Darwinist insight that the struggle and war alone could afford this generation, modern racism unfolded its most murderous dynamic so far. Here, the theoretical law of race struggle and the practical arbitration of a dictator were definitively presented, and that is precisely why the desired new creation of the German people and the practical destruction of the Jewish people were only two sides of the same biopolitical project. In National Socialism, racist ideology and racist practice could no longer be distinguished.
That was my conclusion about the book my fight!
Yes, of self-interest.
The first part about his childhood is very paralyzing, the rest is very interesting and revealing!
It can only be recommended and if you want to understand the WW2 it is an absolute must!
The work fills many inconsistencies in the official history narrative.
What inconvenience do you mean? And how does My Fight fill this?
Reason of war, Hitler’s goals.
These are the main topics that you understand better.
No, the work doesn’t fill anything, that’s making holes.
However, it requires some background knowledge and understanding to decode this “work” in terms of content and to identify relationships. Reading alone brings nothing!
That’s right, but that’s the case with every specialist book. And in the end, My struggle in its own way is also a specialist book.
There are no inconsistencies and no official history narrative. There are different views, different viewing angles, many experience reports, many documentation that belong to history.
What does not belong to them are hatred and rushes, lies and inventions. Just what is traded as an unofficial history narrative and is regularly “recovered” by alternative history researchers.
Official narrative of history is that which is spread in schools and by a majority of historians.
There are inconsistencies everywhere, which is why subtleties change constantly. For this, a historian is responsible, examine sources and interpret them with his knowledge, then examine this interpretation with those other comparisons, look different and match, and examine the differences and investigate where they come from.
Historic is not a dead science.
Thank you, you mentioned what I was trying to say through my commentary through the flower!Inconsistencies in the official narrative of history”
Yes for his worldview. But his worldview has no logical premise. From idiotic principles, you can theoretically derive everything if you want, it doesn’t make sense.
I fear that even in kindergarten, the children will realize that they should keep such statements for themselves.
Yes, they were definitely logical. If you understand Hitler and his view of the world, you know why it was inevitable for him.
And let sayings like “thin ice” we’re not in kindergarten here.
Are the action T4 or the Holocaust “logical”? Did the suffocation of inner resistance by persecution and murder have been logical? Is the destruction of whole generations of soldiers for “living space” logical?
And that’s because you didn’t read the book and you probably only use very one-sided sources.
In fact, Hitler almost always acted logically.
But, and I don’t have to read his book, Hitler was neither sober nor logical. Wars of attack generally rarely have the property of being sober and logically justified – and in Hitler’s case even less than “normal”. A race-theoretically based (external) policy leads to stupid results.
Yes, for history called “official historiography”. But what is unofficial historiography are either no reputable historians or recreational researchers according to the type “I cover alternative historiography on the Internet”.
…can I ask for the deeper background?
You must understand Hitler’s thoughts to understand his actions. There are people who still believe he wanted something like world domination.
Poland, for example, does not make any sense from a purely sober and logical view. Similar to the Soviet Union. One needs political and economic, as well as ideological relationships to understand it.
I like to understand him better. But I found his ideology and goals well explained even without the book and see no inconsistencies (apart from the fact that his entire ideology is a single inconsistency, but I fear that this is not better in his book…).
I’m reading it right now or I started it. But I am not so far, nor in the section as a young adult before the First World War. Since the beginning of January no longer come to read, as I do a further education and anyway read all day and have no more bell in the evening.
I must say, however, that as far as I actually found it more entertaining. In fact, he read himself very well, but as I said, he has so far only briefly tailored and clashes only about childhood and early adult years.
The reviews of the readers here confirm once again what I have done for a long time: I don’t want to read the garbage.
I’d rather read the cat king Mauzenberger and the little prince again.
I only read cutouts. I almost fell asleep as it was very boring and full of obscure conspiracy theories.
I must have been through 50 or 100 pages and at some point only read individual sentences. It’s a ooon-strong work.
You can also read My battle.
qualtinger my fight
It was amazingly unspectacular.
With closer consideration, this is not even amazing.
little………yes hitler’s story was informative………………….his section about youth was then unsatisfied……….yes for real students it’s enough……………at the nobel prize it doesn’t extend then
One of the most boring books I’ve ever read.
Yes, with great effort. I even have an original
from time, with dedication. Unfortunately not by the boss
personally, that would probably be worth millions.
yes, partly
it was a bunch of racist shit
no literary masterpiece
I did this unspeakable word bead for 10 pages and then banished the bullshit in some cellar corner.