Hat jemand mal die Wegovy Abnehmspritze genommen ohne Übergewicht?

Hiii Ich hab nen BMI von 27 und hab jahrelang Diäten gemacht um das zu erreichen seit paar Monaten hab Ich jedoch ein Abnehmstopp und komm nicht weiter. Ich würde gerne noch von 65 auf 58 kg runterkommen. Ich war am überlegen mir Wegovy zu besorgen und wollte von euren Erfahrungen hören?

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1 month ago

Wegovy contains the active ingredient Semaglutid and belongs to the group of GLP-1 receptor agonists. The active substance is approved for the treatment of diabetes and obesity (overweight). Semaglutid is used once a week subcutaneously (sprayed under the skin into the fatty tissue). In order to inhibit appetite, higher doses (about 1.7-2.4mg) are usually required than in diabetes.

Semaglutid is subject to prescription. The sickness insurance fund takes over the costs only upon request and only for persons with a BMI of (wide) over 30. Theoretically, the drug can also be obtained as a self-payer, but it also needs a medical prescription.

Rightly there must be a medical reason. Doctors are not allowed to prescribe medicine without any indication. Even with self-payers not. In general, the reasons for recipes for self-payers are within limits. One is, for example, if other medicines have to be taken which cause a strong increase in weight or persons with a BMI below 30, which, however, would again increase strongly, they would put the drug off.

Since there are always supply bottlenecks and Semaglutid as so-called lifestyle or lifestyle Trend medication is usually very reserved for prescriptions for this medicine.

From orders to illegal online pharmacies, I strongly advise you. These drugs are usually counterfeit and can cause fatal side effects and lead to unforeseeable consequences.

1 month ago

Preliminary: Ordinance at least not on cash recipes, as conditions are not fulfilled. Highest on private recipe, then you have to bear the costs yourself.

The products are also not a guarantee of weight loss.
There, in addition to the gift, a lot of food and movement has to be done.