Hat jemand ideen?

Yo Leute,

in der schule machen wir tassenwichteln, jeder hat ein Buchstaben gezogen, und muss eine Tasse mit dem Buchstaben gestallten.

zum Beispiel A also kauft an eine Tasse mit nem Apfel drauf.

hab ihr irgendwelche wirklich lustigen Ideen für die Buchstaben F und P

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3 months ago

For the letter F:

  1. Fish: A cup with a cool or funny fish design.
  2. Frog: A cute frog that may even wear a crown.
  3. Fireworks: A colorful fireworks motif that spreads good mood.
  4. Flamingo: A trendy flamingo in bright pink.
  5. Faulty: A relaxed lazy that hangs down on the cup.

For the letter P:

  1. Panda: A sweet cup with a panda motif.
  2. Pizza: A piece of pizza with your favorite pad – maybe even a little funny with eyes.
  3. Parrot: A colorful parrot that brings vitality and color.
  4. penguin: A happy penguin in the winter wonderland.
  5. popcorn: A cup that looks like a popcorn cup or a popcorn motif.

I hope you’re inspired for the mugs! Have fun shaping and waving! 🍕🐼🎨

3 months ago
Reply to  Pierre539

I’m not so funny. I do not want to see anything disrespectful.

3 months ago

F: Fleißig or Fair

P: Positive or Plan

3 months ago

With P naturally mushrooms, I already have some and Pandatassen are also popular in general