Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit HelloTicket?
ich habe Tickets für eine Sportveranstaltung bei der Website “Hello Ticket” gekauft. Nach Abschluss habe ich eine Mail erhalten, dass die Tickets demnächst elektronisch zugestellt werden. Ist jetzt 2 Monate her. Nach mehreren Nachfragen hieß es dann, es kann sein, dass man die Tickets erst am Tag der Veranstaltung erhält. Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit dem Anbieter? Eine Chance, vom Kauf zurücktreten gibt es bei Tickets anscheinend leider nicht.
You must look into the terms of the contract until the tickets have to be delivered or in which form.
Right of withdrawal in principle for any distance contract.
However, the site is operated by a Spanish company which does not make it easier 🙂
That’s not quite right, there are some exceptions.
And one of them is according to § 312g para. 2 No. 9 BGB Tickets for events of all kinds with a fixed date:
Yes, it is. I wrote: “principal” and this with reason 🙂
I know very well:)
Laien’s legal interpretations are always amusing to read:)
Ok, if you are aware that it is for tickets up to very few exceptions (even if they apply to an event whose date is not fixed) in fact No Right of withdrawal gives, why do you post
in the Thread, without the fact that the FS is right when he writes
there are no exceptions here?
And that the BGH BGH is filled with lay judges,
would have been completely new to me…
The same reference to § 312g para. 2 No. 9 BGB you will find regularly in the revocation instructions of the relevant large ticket sales platforms
https://cdn.reservix.com/AGB/AGB_Ticketkunde_RX_DE.pdf (point 7)
and in the answers of practising lawyers on corresponding questions to dozens of legal portals in Net.
Find over 1000 people who have experiences with HelloTicket.
Most of them report positive experiences.
And it is also mentioned by others that the tickets were very delayed. But at least they came in most cases.