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it depends on what you mean fruit.
In any case, the fruits are there so that a plant continues
can increase.
They usually do that with cores, so that the seeds are protected.
However, there are also plants that develop fruit without kernels.
Like kakis or bananas. Here the seeds are so small,
that they pass through the host and become so multiplied.
Mushrooms which do not belong to the plants also form fruit,
However, they are multiplied by spores which secretly spray the mushroom to the environment.
Often the fruit of the seeds, such as nuts, is also.
Here the plant insists that some of its fruits are forgotten or buried somewhere.
And there are also many kinds of games, and breeds.
As with some grapes seedless,
or citrus berries (sp.: clementines),
where the cores were bred far back.
However, they cannot reproduce in natural ways.
The urbanans are full of seeds. They were bred by people.
The eater doesn’t have to be human.
Not everyone. Banana zb
Banane has this little black in the middle
No, they’re not. In any case the real bananas and not the ones we know at the supermarket
The urbanans are full of seeds. They were bred by people.
No, there are now, manipulated or intimidated, coreless fruits.
No, not all have cores or stones, clementines and navelinas have no
I even eat a Clementine haha I am so stupid😭
Sometimes the groschen, Pfennigweise 😂