hat hier jemand ein schnelles Rezept für Tomatensauce?
ich hätte TK-Suppengrün klein gewürfelt, Dosentomaten, Zwiebeln, Pfeffer, Salz, Olivenöl und alle möglichen Gewürze im Schrank. Lange Spaghetti TK-Parmesan müssten auch noch da sein.
Was ich nicht habe ist ein schnelles und leckeres Rezept für heute Abend.
Hat hier jemand ein gutes, leckeres und schnelles Rezept?
brown onions in olive oil or butter, can tomatoes, salt, pepper, spices as desired (Oregano, rosemary, laurel and garlic I would recommend) and then gently simmer for a while. Ready.
Sounds good – I’ll test.
Just what I was looking for
Nice to meet you.
Sweat onions in olive oil, add tomatoes. With salt, pepper, olive oil and if you have it best to taste a little balsamico pikant for the piquant note. You could also touch some parmesan.
Eaty must go in! Citric acid also goes to emergency. And a hint of sweetness, so sugar, or sweetener.
Hundreds of recipes. Unless you’re looking for excuses for ordering.
Get it all together.
very funny
Tomato sauce is so easy. All vegetables in the pan, briefly roast, tomatoes on it, season – ready. Cook noodles, all on a plate, cheese on it – always tastes. You don’t have to do science. Or what did you want to know?