Hat hier irgendjemand den Anime Film Perfect Blue verstanden?

Hab den grad geguckt und der war richtig verstörend und verwirrend. Gab es ein Geist von der MC die in ihre Managerin immer gegangen ist? Ich check das nicht. Ich meine die mc hat doch geschauspielert dissoziale identitätsstörung wurde was dabei erwähnt, war das echt das sie zwei Menschen in sich hatte wie bei dragonball die eine blonde? Der Film ist so verstörend und verwirrend gleichzeitig! Gibt es in real life das dissoziale identitätsstörung in echt? Voll gruselig der Film. Ein Mio Mal psyhchomäßiger als oshi no ko. Glaube gibt auch kein anderen Anime Titel der so ähnlich ist wie oshi no ko(?) falls ja würde mich das interessieren. Aber der Film ist so krank, am Ende bleiben aber echt nur Fragen zurück. War sie in eine Zeit schleife? Ich checke nix!

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6 months ago

It’s okay with the MC, just not with the manager.

6 months ago
Reply to  Tomoyaa264

In the meantime, the MC doubts her mind, but her manager used to be an idol and cannot get rid of it. She has done a lot of violence to Mima and was almost overwhelmed because of her delusion. A spirit does not occur, it is a disease that exists in real life.

6 months ago

There’s nothing happening. Before her disgusting stalker later, she was lucky to save herself.

6 months ago

They wanted to act because as Idol there was never the right breakthrough and yes, as an actress it is also at the higher age.

In fact, the men have only done so, but at the moment they have taken it extremely, so it seemed so real.

6 months ago

Thank you.

Mh, it’s been a long time since I saw the film, but I think these were the phases where she was extremely doubtful about herself and reality, because since the business shift as a TV star, a lot has gone wrong with the success, the threat letters, the stalker…

6 months ago

Yes, the lootwist that the manager is the evil I found at that time also violently.

Thedissociative identity disorder (DIS)(afterDSM-5andICD-11) is characterized in that different personality states (dissociativeIdentities) alternately take control of a person’s thinking, feeling and acting.[1][2][3]These identities have their ownCharacteristics,Behavior,Skills, perception andFigures.[1][2][3]In addition, there are gaps in memory of events or personal information that can no longer be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.[1][2][3]
