Have there ever been happy families?

They say storks are monogamous, but apparently humans aren't. Otherwise, humans would live monogamously. It would have evolved that way, and even millennia of religious indoctrination toward monogamy haven't achieved anything. People still cheat and only commit to one person when there's no one better around. A devastating thought. Families now seem like the biggest lie of humanity to me.

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1 year ago

Strange… weren’t there religions that were drawn to polio? See the Mormons.

1 year ago
Reply to  legomario

They realized that the human being is not monogamous from nature, as I said, otherwise it would not have to be forced to do so, but try to enforce a regulated polygamy. Personally, I think better than if a good-looking guy just swings several women and doesn’t care about the kids.

1 year ago

Most people I know live monogam. And are satisfied with that.

Of course, there are always taken out, and those who cheat are doing a lot of harm. But still many try again and again. Because they want it that way.

If someone doesn’t want to be monogamous, he doesn’t have to. This is the advantage of being a human. You can decide.

And the people who behave badly do not do that because the family is a lie. Because they’re assholes. That stealing people doesn’t mean your property is a lie. That some people claim that the earth has been created by God does not mean that dinosaurs are a lie.

I’m sorry if you had bad experiences. But families are evolutionary. The family bands are proven to help raise children. They’ve made sure you take care of children and each other. This has prevailed for humans as a survivor.

Nowadays, of course, it is difficult. Our world has changed very much, we live much longer, are no longer dependent on each other to the same extent, we develop and very different, it is no longer about the naked survive.

Nevertheless, the family for many imemr is still the greatest happiness that you can have. However, as the individual family defines, it is very different nowadays.

1 year ago
Reply to  P0larFuchs

What you describe are the aftereffects of a religious world view. You have such a thing, whether you know it or not. If the state provides enough financial resources and kitas and kindergartens are significantly improved and expanded that women are not dependent on a man in the least and you wait a few decades, because structures change only gradually, then there will no longer be families.

Chimpanzees are very similar to people and do not form families, perhaps larger social groups and the most dominant males are planting themselves, both soft and males live with changing sexual partners, the description of their social behavior sounds much more to me than what I observe in the real human world than this Christian-disney family-sitcom lie, which was dominant until the 2000s.

1 year ago
Reply to  P0larFuchs

Full consent!

1 year ago

If that’s for you. For me there is only one person I will ever bind to.

1 year ago

Yes, there is. There are many happy couples and families. But today in our society fortunately without compulsion or moral pressure.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jost79

I wonder what moral pressure ever needed, if there is something like happy families even without, and of course there is not 5%, can it be that, but also to a significant extent?

1 year ago

The moral pressure only benefits those who exert it. The patriarchate and the powerful religious princes.

1 year ago


1 year ago

It used to the Patriachat that alienation was punished with Stigmata?

1 year ago

In my environment, 90% of the families are “normal”, satisfied and happy and I know many people.

I don’t know what moves you to set up such theses. I would go into me and think about what leads me to such thoughts.

1 year ago

Yeah, there are happy families, believe me.