Hat ein kompaktbrief mit prio sendungsverfolgung?
Bei Cardmarket.com wird von mir sendungsverfolgung erwartet und dazu steht Kompaktbrief 50g+ Prio aber wenn ich die briefmarke online ausdrucke für 2.10€ bekomm ich sonst nichts.
Ich hab aber 2.60€ für den versand erhalten. Vielleicht wegen des aufwandes und verpackungsmaterial ? Weil ich finde sonst nichts was sonst sendungsverfolgung hat für 2.60€.
That’s right. I also understand that the difference of the packaging applies. A envelope and protection for the card(s) also cost money.
There’s a tracking in the Prio letter. Although not as detailed as you might know, for example, from a DHL package, but sufficient. The broadcast number is on the brand you can create online.
It is enough to throw the finished envelope into the next mailbox.
All right, thank you, and what if I have to send a 50€ card now as a letter?
Compact+Prio only.
I use toploader and cover but it can bend or otherwise happen
Is that risk from the seller or me?
He also uses loyal hand service.
Did you make bad experiences?
I’m a salesman with 0 sales and just shopping. It could take advantage of a more serious profile.
So I don’t have a lost show after currently 120 sales. Italy, by the way, has developed as a country of supply, since, according to my experience, over-long delivery times can be expected regularly. I ruled out Switzerland and the United Kingdom for customs reasons.
But that wasn’t the subject. Honestly, I’m now insecure about the Prio thing. According to Cardmarket, in the event of a loss of sales protection, it should intervene. But I don’t think their info page is up to date. There is talk about insured shipping/enrollment. And of an investigation in case of loss. There’s nothing like that at the Priobrief.
I still tend to say that the sales protection also applies to Prio, after all, the trust service is shown in this type of shipping. Sure, I’m not there. Maybe you can ask them directly.
Lost is really quite rare and shouldn’t be going anywhere when you use a toploader. I remember, however, that at my first few sales I had packed everything extra thick for safety and paid some weight on shipping.
Especially with reputable buyers, I think the risk of fraud is very low. That would eventually fall back on them.
Only a limited one. The physical delivery is not documented by the assigne, in contrast to the “write”.