Hat dieses Lied vom Takt her irgendein System?
Hallo liebe Musiker,
Ich kann bei diesem Lied einfach kein System vom Takt her erkennen. Ich bin zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass es einfach ein ständiger unregelmäßiger Taktwechsel ist, was das spielen ziemlich erschwert? Oder erkennt ihr da irgendeine Regelmäßigkeit?
Liebe Grüße
Der Phoenixx
Also I recognize the 4/4-stroke… the whole thing is “washed” that it a. Longer places without music, the lady doesn’t change regularly on the 1 and at least “breathe” something for me, i.e., some left or right of the stroke… at least that’s my feeling when listening. Quickstep? Could be, according to Wiki, this is then 4/4 clock with 50-52 clocks per minute.
So if I start counting a 4/4 on a line, then the next line and the chord changes do not start again at counting time 1, but at 3…I doubt something about myself.
Who says an akkorderchsel must always be on the 1st? But in order to analyse this more precisely, I would have to fox myself in there…
As already written – i.d.R., the chord changes are at least at certain counting times (that does not always have to be 1) and so you can then orient yourself to the singing rhythm and the chord change. This is not true, at least for me. When I count in the 4/4 clock, one line and the chord starts at 1, sometimes even at the next line, but then one time no longer. Also counting in different types of clocks only briefly, then no longer. That’s why I’m a little confused with the song. Seems to be a little more complex.
5/4 when you count, it’s fine.
That’s what I was, but at some point it doesn’t work out again.
It’s live. She played Beat more. This sometimes happens unintentionally because you haven’t finished the text yet.
There would be various ways to write this down.
Each phrase consists of depending on how to interpret it two to three cycles.
Sometimes there are 2 4/4 clocks
Sometimes a 5/4 (4+1) and a 4/4 clock with an inserted counting time.
Sometimes 4/4 then 2 inserted counting times then 4/4.
The latter could be written as 4+2/4 and 4/4.
So there are actually many unsystematic clock changes in it, but they are not absurd or total confusion.
Clear 4 quarter clock.
I recognized the gittaren riffs.
I recognize a 4/4 clock. The text is, however, interestingly interpreted rhythmically rather autonomously.
I absolutely don’t recognize a 4/4 clock, neither from singing, nor from chord change or stop.
On the side I was already, but you could also play the song completely without a clock. Once the chord change is on the counting time 1, times on 2, 3 or 4. That’s why the irregularity.
Why do you let the chord change irritate you? He has nothing to do with the metrum.
Maybe a conscious stylistic remedy?
However, even in the case of chord change, there is generally a system which is uniform with the clock, so that the change always takes place at certain counting times DES TAKTES. I can only partially recognize this. It’s very uneven.
Yeah, it’s got a full-time cycle. Dance on it would be a quickstep.
What is it?