hat die politesse recht oder nicht?
hab mit meinem motorrad auf nem parkplatz gefahren weil ich kurz in nen supermarkt wollte, kam ich wieder stand die politesse da hab nen blauen brief bekommen weil ich keine parkscheibe an meinem motorrad hab… da hatte ich gefragt wo ich sonst parken solle da hat sie nur gesagt auf dem geh weg, hab dann gesagt der geh weg ist zum gehen da und das würde mein motorrad behindern, kann ich dagegen einspruch erheben ?
Of course, in Germany you can everything Appeal.
This will not use you when a parking disk is required; then you also have one to use as a motorcyclists.
Sounds funny, but it is.
Who’s preventing you from putting a parking disk on the Krad? You have occupied a parking lot, so you have to pay
the parking disc could anyone hire or take?
You can object to whatever success.
If a parking disc or a receipt of a parking machine was required for the parking lot, stand in the rain.
You can always object. She’s right. On many parking spaces a parking disk has to be attached. It also applies to your motorcycle.
The walkway was certainly irony.
with the way was no irony that was serious
In Austria you have to park on a parking lot with a motorbike and must not park it on the sidewalk, except it is otherwise signposted.
You can, you can’t get me. The walkway was a joke. Take a ticket, too.
On the way it costs up to 100 € plus a point in Flensburg.
It is only allowed if there is a traffic sign no. 315.
Parking on the walkway is otherwise not allowed.
You have bad cards.
For the future:
Motorcycles also need parking disks or a parking ticket when it is to be detached. I’m sorry.
How to fix theft-proof -> problem from parking.
No, you need parking disk. Walkway is of course bullshit.
Police are always right.