Hat die Natur irgendwie bei Frauen einen extra sensibles Fühlen von Kälte integriert, was rein vom Kreislaufsystem nicht erklärbar ist?

Ich meine sowas wie zum Beispiel rein auf das Nervensystem bezogen. Vielleicht als Frühwarnsystem ein eventuelles Kind warm zu halten, oder so. Keine Ahnung… deswegen ja die Frage

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3 months ago

Men can also keep children very warm.

On average, women weigh less than men. Water and fat also do not generate any heat, but the larger muscle mass of men already. That’s why women are undercooled faster.

I don’t know whether women are even more sensitive to cold sensation. This is difficult to compare. You could have people with the same body. Apply body fat and hair to the same cold irritation and then measure the reactions. However, a possible greater sensitivity of men to pain could make a result more difficult.

3 months ago

This is anatomical. Men usually have more muscle mass and more muscle mass also produces more heat. In addition, the stronger body hair comes from the man. For example, the Neanderthals were not very robust and very muscular, they had to defy the ice age in Europe. But this required the brain much more control function, although it was larger than the brain of modern man, but nevertheless the Neanderthals were not more intelligent than the homo sapiens.

3 months ago

Women don’t just feel like they’re freezing, they’re really freezing. They have a much thinner skin than men and less muscle mass.

3 months ago
Reply to  MindFlower

No, I don’t think so.

3 months ago

Ne, women just have less muscle mass than men or transmen.

3 months ago
Reply to  MindFlower

Women also have less hair and with normal BMI less body fat content. It has nothing to do with protecting the fetus.

3 months ago

Thank you

3 months ago

I can’t make a statement about the nervous system. Surely Google would be a suitable start-up source here.