Hat die Gemeinde Wien dem investigativen Journalismus den Krieg erklärt?
Ein wenig überrascht war ich, liebe Freunde, als ich diesmal las, dass man 3 Seiten der “Mein Wien” den FakeNews im Web gewidmet hatte.
Die Behauptung aufstellte, dass es sich bei all dem was neu wäre und nicht auf APA erschienen wäre um FakeNews handeln muss.
Man wieder einmal über den Journalismus während der Corona Zeiten herzog, obwohl es diesbezüglich in der Folge sogar einen Untersuchungsausschuss im Parlament gab.
Weil sich manche Meldungen später als durchaus zutreffend und keine FakeNews herausgestellt hat.
So das die Aussage der “Mein Wien”, alles was nicht in der APA zu finden wäre, wären FakeNews, vor Allem wenn Photographien dabei wären, automatisch wohl eher FakeNews wären.
Hat also die Gemeinde Wien nunmehr dem investigativen Journalismus den Krieg erklärt. Sind in Zukunft nur noch die Abschreiber von der APA gefragt. Der klassische Journalismus mit eigen recherchierten Stories Vergangenheit?
Was glaubst Du?
I don’t think I know what an APA is. Certainly something perverse.
Austria Press Agency.
And what does a press agency have to do with investigative journalism?
Thanks for the star, considering that the selection was huge.
You’re right. In the final version they put it out. Originally, the advice contained that all serious journalism could be examined with google or the APA. It’s just google.
By the way, the article has become even legible. Because:
In the google you really have all the articles. The investigatives too.
I think that’s true for yourself. Between the first and the last sentence of my post, there is the following:
“Even the text search does not find the expression, so I didn’t just overlook it.”
Then you really rushed him over. I assume that sentence 1 is read and then the last.
I have now also passed the article, and it is not even mentioned by the APA. Also the text search does not find the expression, so I have not only overlooked it. What at least one thing would be clarified: Who actually lacks reading competence here.
HG Peitl, you can’t even read it sensually. In the linked article of the city of Vienna there is nothing about everything being away from the APA Fake News.
For me he was also very useful. He secured my way to the permanent pension.
Build up my media and my knowledge at the same time.
Otherwise you’re right, I don’t know who you could be. At least one of them does not take the plain text law seriously. So don’t write who he really is.
Yes. At Gregor Ulrich. He got the opportunity to request social lessons to get back to work. The ad was very useful.
I doubt he has a profile. He then got quite a lot of trouble with the parish Reindorf because he didn’t realize that Ulrich needed no more ads.
Therefore, I always suspect him behind such profiles as yours.
That’s where we’re acting.
Who is dm+? Please link to profile!
Who are you? I’m going from our old friend dm+. Sure, I’m not. I notice the still prevailing reading weakness. The desperate attempt to show others. Even so, as far as I’ve never been successful.
I’ve never said anything, Peitl! You don’t even know who I am and what I do.
Peitl, I’m not your weight projection, remember that!
Back to the original claim: Where is written, …that all that would be new and not appear on APA would have to be FakeNews. ?
And after having filtered out almost all the investigative newspapers in the Corona times, now comes as a dessert:
Two or three? Wait a minute. So:
https://www.reporter-ohne-grenz.de/themes/publication-in-der-corona crisis/ueberblick
https://www.newsroom.at/news/current messages/journalism-229/haarstraeubend-naiv- or-mit-intens-boese-der-google-deal-in-kalifornien-wird-den-journalismus-nic/
https://de.ejo-online.eu/medienpolitik/corona-medienfoerderung-in-oesterreich-millionen-hilfe-fuer-friendly-message media
You want more?
Then you’ll probably have two three examples, right?
I even had ads in my life for that reason:
Because I announced too soon that there is a terrorist organization “Islamic State”. Because I pointed out that Austria will get economic problems. That would be bourgeoisie.
Only: Austria has economic problems and there is a terrorist organization “Islamic State”. I believe that the latter would have been able to prevent them from intervene in Austria in good time.
You call all conspiracy theory, which later turns out to be correct. Only: You don’t admit that in the episode.
I call it conspiracy theory. Wouldn’t be your first, Peitl.
It’s called political manipulation.
Isn’t that clean?
You give MrBlackAdder the right to something MrBlackAdder didn’t say? Is that a misguided word game from you or your bad text?
It’s better for me, too. Apart from Oskar Bronner being one of those who stand for freedom of the press. That is why I asked if the municipality of Vienna declared a war against investigative journalism.
In one point I give you the right:
People like Oskar Bronner, Erich Reder, Robert Marshall or I (Liberal messenger) cannot be banned from investigative journalism anyway.
That’s an ad. Why don’t you read something decent? The standard does not write such a crap.
No. Just read and questioned in the “My District”. That thing at the end of the sentence is called question marks. The rest is just the explanation of how to get to this question mark. However, I am not surprised that someone who does not know who the APA is, does not know this.
Your claim is not true. You put a false claim in the world.
How? It started with a press equation. Ging about the station that one destroyed the investigative magazines such as Wien-konkret in the Corona time. And now ends there that all that is not from the APA should be FakeNews.
The San G’schichte from the Paulanergarten.
Very funny, but unfortunately very bad.
Only if you write at APA will your stories not be considered FakeNews in the future. Everything else is FakeNews. Death for investigative journalism.
Doesn’t stand inside… where do you get the article that only the APA would be a reliable source? It’s just inside that you can make a fact check on APA, Correctiv etc….