Hat der Extrem-Kapitalismus die Nahrungsmittel positiv verändert?

Egal wohin man in den Geschäften schaut, egal ob Süßigkeiten oder irgendwelche Tiefkühlprodukte, überall wird gestreckt und möglichst billig produziert.

Schnitzel bekommt eine Flüssiggewürzspritzung, Käse wird mit Butter gestreckt und mit Natriumphosphat genießbar gemacht, Teig wird mit Dextrose beschleunigt, Nudelsuppen werden mit Glutamat genießbar gemacht, Fleisch wird mit Natron aufgelöst usw.

Der Kapitalismus hat dazu geführt, dass man statt einfach ehrlich vernünftige Ware zu Marktpreisen anzubieten, aus echten und angepriesenen Produkten, minimal verarbeitet, Produkte erzeugt, die ziemlich ungesund sind und mit fabrikgerechten Zuschlagstoffen die gerade noch legal sind die Produkte so günstig wie möglich herzustellen.

Das hat genau einen Vorteil, die Gewinnmarge solcher Lebensmittelunternehmen ins Unermessliche zu steigern, der Leidtragende, der Konsument, der komplett veräppelt wird und sich eventuell über chronische Erkrankungen freuen darf, die er nicht lokalisieren kann.

Ich würde mir wünschen, wenn die Produkte ganz genau nur das aufgedruckt bekommen dürften, was da auch wirklich drin ist. Also statt Pizzakäse steht dann da Natriumphosphat, Salz, Butter, Natriumcitrat, Süßmolkepulver usw. Mischung mit 10% Käse oder so.

Wüsstet ihr, inwiefern man die Unternehmen dazu motivieren kann, gesündere Lebensmittel zu produzieren?

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2 years ago

Capitalism has led to the fact that instead of simply offering honestly reasonable goods at market prices, it is made of genuine and praised products, minimally processed, produced products that are quite unhealthy and with factory-friendly additives that are just legal to produce the products as cheap as possible.

Sorry, but total nonsense.

You are self-debted when you buy ready food with ten million ingredients.

It is not evil capitalism, it is the stupid people who buy pizzas, chips and rubber bears.

Every supermarket has everything you need for a healthy diet. Fruit, vegetables, nuts, meat, fish, rice, noodles, bread.

Everyone is responsible for his diet. Not evil capitalism. If you buy garbage, you get garbage.

By the way, evil capitalism has ensured that much more people can afford higher-quality food. The offer is much bigger and cheaper.

2 years ago
Reply to  Avatarez2

Well, I’ve been through the ad tricks and false charges, and I’m certainly not Albert Einstein.

Most people just don’t deal with their diet. All information is available free of charge.

And without capitalism, there would be neither the phone on which I write this comment, nor the apartment in which I find myself, nor heating, car, bus, internet, and so on and so on.

Thanks to capitalism, humanity is as good as never before. Unlimited capitalism is bad, so the social market economy is also right.

This fashion of hating capitalism is bullshit.

2 years ago
Reply to  Avatarez2

Everyone is responsible for his safety, everyone is responsible for his fires,

Yeah, it’s up to a certain degree. Anyone who goes to bed with a burning cigarette, asleep and thus creates a fire cannot blame evil capitalism for its stupidity.

everyone is responsible for his operations, his emergency aid itself,

Yeah, it’s up to a certain degree. Anyone who jumps his house from the second floor instead of using the stairs cannot blame evil capitalism for having to operate now

Everyone is responsible for his right…

Yeah, it’s up to a certain degree. Whoever strikes the neighbor because he annoys him cannot blame evil capitalism for having to go to jail.

Own responsibility has nothing to do with capitalism.

2 years ago

But that’s been known for a long time. We are buying all these processed foods. You can do a lot of what you buy yourself if we weren’t so lazy.

Food with take from home and produce yourself. Making noodles and bread is not a witchcraft, but we are just too comfortable to grab in the shop and then complain about the manufacturers that we buy it and eat or drink

2 years ago
Reply to  Avatarez2

No, the main problem in capitalism is consumers. It’s us. 100 years ago zb it was completely normal to prepare and take his proviant for lunch or breakfast at home. Today we prefer to buy something at the snack or Starbucks. Although it would not be necessary. We just like it as comfortable as possible.

2 years ago

Consider the importance: Market volume and sales growth then we can discuss further

2 years ago

Oh, man, how many times should I go into this. Either you understand my answer or not. If you don’t understand simple market economic terms, then there’s no value to discuss anything with you.

2 years ago

There is nix of German production and German companies…beyond meat is an American company..

2 years ago

is it really so difficult to read that the total turnover of German products in private households the German companies have sold? And not the sale of restaurants, mensas and other companies included?

Although this is clear and clear.

Revenue in the meat substitutes segment is about 0.87 billion in 2023. €.

According to the forecast, in 2027, a market volume of 1.90 billion is expected. € reached; This corresponds to an annual sales growth of 21.32% (CAGR 2023-2027).

2 years ago


meat substitute products – Germany

Private Budgetary expenditure on food for Home consumption included

2 years ago

There is no “private households in Germany” and now please no longer annoy me. I’ll write this for the 6th time. Argumentate market economy or just leave it.

2 years ago

How many more? These are meat substitute products produced by German companies in Germany.


The figures are based on the total Final consumption for food, which all Private Budgetary expenditure on food for consumption at home included (other household consumption is not included here).

You don’t understand. It’s black on white…

2 years ago

Stands in the headline.

How many more? These are meat substitute products produced by German companies in Germany.

No he bought a b2c product because he did not buy at the manufacturer in Germany but at the local supermarket.

No, you don’t understand German market economy.

2 years ago


meat substitute products – Germany

Stands in the headline.

when an Italian goes to Lidl in Italy and buys a meat substitute product. He bought a German product.

No he bought a b2c product because he did not buy at the manufacturer in Germany but at the local supermarket.

Manufacturers do not sell to individuals


Which country produces the product is no matter what it is about sales by individuals. So what the consumer puts in the shopping trolley in the supermarket and thus goes through the checkout.

2 years ago

There is still no mention of the households in Germany.

when an Italian goes to Lidl in Italy and buys a meat substitute product. He bought a German product. That’s it

2 years ago

Therefore, data only

The data include B2C companies. The figures are based on the total consumption expenditure for food, which is all Private Budgetary expenditure on food for consumption at home included (other household consumption is not included here).

To make it meaningful.

2 years ago

In Germany, we still measure according to the gross domestic product and not Buissnes To buissnes business.

This includes, of course, what companies generate in the expansion

2 years ago

Germany sells garnix. Company sell products

The data include: B2C companies

B2C therefore Business to consumer does not include B2B so business to business business which would be export.

2 years ago

Yes, and Germany not only sells to households in Germany as little sold only Italy to households in Italy

2 years ago

Stands in the text that it is not.

Meat substitutes – Germany

In 2023, around 8,02€ per capita are converted to the population.

Meat substitutes – Italy

In 2023, around €2.86 per capita is converted to the population.

Data cover:

The data include B2C companies. The figures are based on the total consumption expenditure for food, which all private household expenditure contain food for consumption at home (other household consumption is not included here).

So this is about the sale in the domestic of the export got out.

2 years ago

The average per capita consumption in the meat substitutes segment is expected to be 0.67 kg in 2023.

With a forecast market volume of 2.886.00million € in 2023 is generated most in China.

This is about total sales of German and Italian companies worldwide and not about what Germans or Italians consume. Please read sources in the future before you argue with them.

2 years ago

When you look at the sales of the chemical building boxes:


Revenue in the meat substitutes segment is about 0.87 billion in 2023. €.

According to the forecast, in 2027, a market volume of 1.90 billion is expected. € reached;

https://de.statista.com/outlook/cmo/food/meat/meat substitute products/germany


Sales in the meat substitutes segment amounted to around 191,70million in 2023. €.

According to the forecast, in 2027, a market volume of 330,00million is expected. €

https://de.statista.com/outlook/cmo/food/meat/meat products/italy

Dear Germans more… and are easier to manipulate from the food industry…

2 years ago

Lidl and Aldi are also available in Italy 😂 and not very few branches

2 years ago

But of course we also have a food culture in Germany.

Clearly cheap and no matter what quality

2 years ago

But of course we also have a food culture in Germany. However, it is not possible to compare some food culture with that of Italy.

Even if spaggetti and noodles are not an invention from Italy

2 years ago

Right, e.g. in Italy, there’s nowhere in any small shop and even in the country a coffee winner machine with the best coffee. We fill up with cheap Nescafé from the cuddly taste. The problem in Germany, like, have no food culture but a culture without quality.

2 years ago

It is even worse: the LowCarb movement of the meat industry may soon destroy everything good and healthy.

2 years ago

You just have to look at the production of agricultural plants




Plant protection products are among the most intensively tested chemicals. Before a remedy comes to the market, it is usually tested for 10 years and the results are thoroughly examined by independent state bodies around the world.

https://www.tierversuche.bayer.de/de/tierversuche-fuer- Pflanzenschutzmittel.aspx

Animal experiments – we do this to them


The dog is considered the ideal test animal to test pesticides. The classic test dog is the beagle, as he is good-natured, small and handy. Golden Retriever and other breeds are also used.


Pesticides: slimming death in the lake


For the cultivation of oil palms, the rainforest is massively cleared – at the expense of climate, biodiversity and indigenous population.


The globalisation of the markets allows us to purchase fruit and vegetables all year round. The import of food produced on the southern hemisphere of the earth makes us forget the knowledge “what grows when”. There are strawberries for Christmas, asparagus in March and grapes to Pentecost.


For 1 kg of vegetables from overseas, 11 kg could be transported within Germany, compared to transport by plane, it is almost 90 kg.

https://www.ugb.de/forschungsstudies/hohe-environment-environment-environment transports/

The enjoyment of plants thus brings the painful poisoning and fragmentation of billions of animals, predatory farming, extermination of whole species by monocultures, the destruction of food, the waste of water by low-nutrients plants, fine dust by mass import/export, greenhouse gases that worsen climate change, rainforest destruction due to southern fruits and palm oil, soy oil, water poisoning due to massive pesticide use and art th…

2 years ago

I would like the products to be printed on exactly what is really inside.

This is exactly what the legislator wants to ban established and generally known terms such as “Burger”, “Wurst” and “Steak” for plant products.

And on the other hand, associations such as proveg Sturm, start petitions and want to partout that the industry can call all the produtes “Wurst”, “Fleisch”, “Yoghurt” etc.

If you want to print only what is really in there in a product, I have a good message for you: there is the requirement in DE that a list of ingredients must be printed on all food packaging offered in DE.

Do you know how to motivate companies to produce healthier food?

By buying only the foods that are healthy.


2 years ago
Reply to  Avatarez2

and the ingredients list does not tell me what A is healthy,

Of course not. Because a single food is never healthy or unhealthy. Only the Total a diet. If you all required nutrients sufficient and not too much, your diet is healthy – no matter which product you eat.

The task of the ingredients list is also not to teach you healthy nutrition. But you can http://www.naehrwertrechner.de enter what you eat and then figure out how many nutrients you have got.

2 years ago

no answer is true.

Of course, all the finished dishes, snacks, frozen pizzas, fruitjogurts are superfluous and unhealthy. The customer is lazy and doesn’t want to cook himself, but just put something in the microwave.

But not all customers, many also buy “normal” fresh and healthy goods. These are also products of agriculture, which has made it possible by modern agar technology, fertiliser chemistry etc to feed 8 billion people on the planet.

So if everything has 2 pages, and if I want to buy healthy, this is not even more expensive than the finished food with preservatives, flavor enhancers, thickeners, color etc… and as cheap as possible ingredients such as palm oil, separator meat, rotten fruits that can no longer be sold otherwise.

2 years ago
Reply to  juergen63225

Of course, all the finished dishes, snacks, frozen pizzas, fruitjogurts are superfluous and unhealthy.

are they really?

If you were to eat the rest of your life only frozen pizza, you would live longer than if you were to eat the rest of your life only carrots.

So what is healthier – frozen pizza or carrots?

The correct answer is: A single food is never healthy or unhealthy. Only the Total a diet. If you all required nutrients sufficient and not too much to eat, your diet is healthy – whether you eat or not ready meals, snacks, frozen pizzas and fruit jogurts.