Hat der boden in schwimmerbecken eine bestimmte bedeutung?
In vielen schwimmbädern finden sich auf dem boden des schwimmerbeckens makierungen die in etwa wie “⌶” aussehen. Haben die eine bestimmte bedeutung ähnlich wie z.b die linien beim fussballfeld eine haben?
In competitions, one can be guided by it. If you only swim on the line, you don’t have to swim as much as you swim in the zigzag.
In addition, you can orient yourself when you have to turn.
It also marks where the center of the web is so that two floats do not push against each other.
This marks the lane for competition swimmers.
rather the width so they don’t swim to the neighbor
Nope, also the length so that they get the turning clean.
The black line marks the middle of a track. (Doesn’t make a lot of sense if there’s no linen hanging in the public bathroom, because then nobody’s holding up.) The transverse line at the end gives an orientation when the turn should be initiated at the end of the path.
Hello at the competition that participants do not get from the course,
That’s the mark that is supposed to separate the tracks. It also provides orientation where chains are to be clamped for web separation.
The marking does not separate the tracks, it is the center of a track. ;
yes, but you can see where the tracks are (where the center is) so you can cut off the tracks with chains of the like.
Yes, they serve competition swimmers during the competition for orientation where it goes long.
Sure. This is used for orientation in web vibrations (e.g. in competitions).
These are marked swim lanes for competitions
You were 32:05 seconds faster with the answer! 😁👍