Hat beim Stoppschild der Fußgänger Vorrang?
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Hat hier der Fußgänger Vorrang? Vielen Dank im Voraus!
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Hat hier der Fußgänger Vorrang? Vielen Dank im Voraus!
Hallo, kann mir jemand sagen welches Tempolimit im Kreuz Münster-Süd Richtung Norden herrscht? Hinter dem Kreuz habe ich kein Aufhebungsschild gesehen, sondern erst vorm Kreuz Mü-Nord halt wieder die 120er Begrenzung. Den Grund könnt ihr euch denken 🙂 Hat kurz Orange geblitzt und bin echt stark verwundert. MFG
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He crosses your road. The shield is irrelevant here. Actually you would have driveway, you wouldn’t turn (must). Section 9(3) StVO.
Corrected response afterwards.
He’s a turnout here, the pedestrian is just going out. This gives the pedestrian priority!
Unfortunately wrong. See supplemented answer.
Uh, right.
All those who are on the way to the prerogatives have an entrance to those who have no entrance.
All hot: car, motorcycles, rider, pedestrian etc. The stop line is therefore quite clear in front of the passage of traffic participants entitled to exit.
In Switzerland, it would be clear whoever refuses to take a walk, risking an exit.
In Germany: Priority.
Hi, in this case the pedestrian does not have priority, but the car would have to stop because of the stop sign. This opportunity will take advantage of the pedestrian crossing the road. Then let him be granted
But it is complicated: If the car comes from one of the horizontal roads and wants to bend into them, then the pedestrian would have priority.
And why, in your opinion, he has no priority, although in §9 para. (3) S. 3 StVO
is it?
Is this just such a thing of the nomenclature, since there is not explicitly “Gib pedestrian priority” or there are puzzling things in the definition what is “needing” or how to understand it?
A bending process is inconceivable here.
No, the pedestrian has no priority.
The driver has a Stop sign. According to StVO, this means “Stop. Providing advance.” Directions does not refer to pedestrians. So the stop sign does not say anything about the behaviour of the driver towards the pedestrian.
§ 9 para. 3 StVO says that when you turn, it is important to take care of pedestrians, but it concerns only pedestrians who want to cross the road into which you bend. It doesn’t affect pedestrians who want to cross the street from which you come.
From the driver’s point of view, the pedestrian is not in longitudinal traffic but in cross traffic. Therefore, § 9 para. 3 StVO also not relevant.
Just stay § 25 para. 3 Set 1 StVO:
The result is that the driver has priority over the pedestrian in the above situation.
That’s exactly how I had it in my head. 👍
But “stop” is written in Germany with two P. 😅
It’s about the traffic sign and there’s still a P on it.
I’m ready at any time. But I can’t offer more than double P as an argument, because it’s just that. I used to make it wrong for years.
It has been agreed on the international way of writing for the traffic sign because it is shorter and more understandable. And because it looks like that in other countries. 😅
I’m not going to open this side-war scene.
It doesn’t change the grammar. It’s called stop sign.
If you do not pass the pedestrian during the test, it was not your last driving test.
I see there a zebra strip – indicated – as part of the forward-looking !
Only if the route is marked by a zebra strip, pedestrians have priority.
The stop sign only means you have to stop to prefer other cars. If there are no cars, you still have to throttle the speed.
That’s nonsense. Of course, the pedestrians have priority when bending.
Wrong. You don’t just have to slow the pace, you have to stop.
I hope you don’t have a driver’s license!
Hi, maybe not quite so aggressively responding to answers, you don’t fall that high….You’re wrong.
1. I have not actually been
Two. With throttling I meant to slow down to a minimum, but barely saw cars that stop at a stop sign when the traffic is free, but can be that I have looked bad.
3. Basically it is always worthwhile to prefer bicycles and pedestrians if there are no traffic lights
This statement alone disqualifies you from all driving and traffic issues.
Looked at the wrong case on the Internet, I’m wrong, that’s right.
And what about this?
At number two, I went ice cold down my back! 😱
Finally, we got the truth out…
Not at all. Right: With every bend, not only when bending, the pedestrian has priority.
You interpret paragraph 9 par. 3 of road traffic regulations completely wrong. That’s so simple. Opposite the pedestrian, it is not a bend and the pedestrian crosses the road. Thus the car has priority.
See also link to my answer .
Just admitted that my answer was wrong…
Because you apparently didn’t understand it the first time.
Why is there so much unknowledge and half-knowledge in STVO, even though license holders had a multi-month training and are twice tested?
The example here should have been really treated with everyone in the undercarriage.
Why do you repeat what has been discussed above?
Still wrong. Stop!
That does not mean ‘brake to a minimum,’ decelerate to 0. And then, of course, see if someone comes. And someoneis each meant whether car, pedestrian, cyclist, scooter driver, etc.
That’s it. He can’t usually go to the field.
Car bends here – pedestrians have priority. That’s so simple. Except of course, you’re going to put the driver in the field here…
StVO §9 (3) On foot walking is special consideration; if necessary, wait.
The car and the pedestrian crossed. The pedestrian has no priority.
It would be different if the car wants to turn in from an upper road. Then the pedestrian would want to go straight ahead and the car would cut its way. Then the pedestrian would have priority.
Well, let me know how far I’m wrong.
For my statements, I can show you here as a source paragraphs from the StVO – and you?
If you don’t just turn into a roundabout (not the case here), the pedestrians almost always have priority.
I knew I didn’t have much idea, but I thought I knew it.
Okay, then just a good advice: if you have no idea about the topic – just don’t answer!
Yes, because you like to ignore this in practice – I honestly do so. Act is: stop completely, you have to stand once at a stop sign.
Of course, you don’t think about it because you have priority.
No! https://rechtstipp24.de/2020/07/30/vorfahrt-fuer-fussgaenger-in-welchen-faellen-autofahrer-warten-muessen/amp/
The described case is not treated in any of the graphs in the link.
Driver bends, pedestrians cross the road. This is only shown for the roundabout.
The same as yours.
What is your original view? Pretty chaotic everything here under the question.
I’m afraid you might be right and my original view would be correct.