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If you can only compare it conditionally, I suppose. Although Ayahuasca contains DMT as the main active substance or should contain DMT as a skin active substance, it can also contain various other substances that influence the effect. There is no uniform recipe for this. Where it is brewed, it is prepared differently, which is why, depending on the exact combination of substances, other typical effects, side effects and risks can be expected.
In addition, set and setting are highly relevant factors. In doing so, I assume that DMT is typically taken at home as a pure substance, or perhaps in the course of studies. Ayahuasca, on the other hand, is typically taken in the presence of a shaman who leads one through the experience. There is an underlying mythology and a spiritual image that affects expectations even if you don’t have the glabut. All this is also highly ceremonial, in the jungle and with drum girder. It all affects such a drug experience.
It is the same substance, however, the effect is much longer than if you smoke DMT.
Depending on how much you consume, the smoked DMT consumption can be weaker or much stronger.