hat aniworld meine ip addrese?

hallo habe aniworld geschaut und heute erfahren das es illigal ist und ich will keine geldstraffe ist es schon zu spät wie kann ich verhindern das ich eine geldstrafe zahlen muss tipps wie ich meine spuren löschen kann?

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1 year ago

The IP is saved as well as everywhere (also with VPN) as soon as you enter a URL, since the server must also answer…

Just because you were on this side, it doesn’t mean you’re having trouble.

If no authority observes this site, it can be good that you have nothing to fear.

Nevertheless, I would not rely on it and leave my fingers off those sides.

1 year ago

Yes it doesn’t matter where you look at Animes Illegal every page stores your IP address. I mean everything is Illegal which is offered free on the internet btw an animes at illegal sites. I don’t need to look at Illegal Animes. Next time use a VPN.

1 year ago

Afterward, you can’t delete anything, so just wait and hope

1 year ago

So even if you use Aniworld regularly, it is very rare that you get a fine. As long as you haven’t registered, you can’t delete anything. It doesn’t have to worry too much.

1 year ago

So for the first time, the 102991 people used the chance that you find is so low and at once this is hardly noticeable 😂 at 100 times it will notice

1 year ago

If you have used VPN(VPN without logs) you are safe if not, then more likely your internet provider is the problem that also sees everything, therefore on such website only with VPN, but chance that jmd will arrest you is very low

1 year ago

Yes, they have your IP address

1 year ago

If you have used the site, they also have your IP