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Yeah, I like to do that. I love summer rain, so when it’s warm and then rains at the same time ðŸTM‚ I’m just 12. The disadvantage is that it can be cold afterwards in the wet clothes. But I love the smell of wet earth! It’s just great fun.
Great! I’d like to be there.
Rain is unfortunately often quite dirty and wet I don’t like to. That’s why I wouldn’t do it today. But when the rain was warm, I found it really exciting.
I’ve never done it. Of course, a warm summer rain is nice. But I don’t want to go with the whole time wet clothes running around.
No. I don’t really like rain either.
Yes, somehow it’s soothing when you lie in the lukewarm rain and smell the smell of fresh grass/earth
Yeah, I did. And I found it wonderful at that moment. The rain odor, the sensation of rain on the skin…
It was a nice mindfulness.
No, but I want to
But never dance
As a child with my siblings. And with my own children, I’ve already done it. These are beautiful memories.
Uh, I’m leaving Gene Kelly. “Singing in the Rain,” he can.
It was school
Warm rain
Gorgeous warm rain
And I left the school house and stood in the t-shirt in the rain
Man were still beautiful
When life did not go downhill
Yeah, always. I usually have my umbrella, but I like it without.
Lg notnoetig ⭐
Yes, I danced once at night in the rain in an abandoned road
Well. It wasn’t dancing, but I put myself on the ground 👌
I’ve been dancing outdoors in the somme!
Was a nice feeling!
Liberating and wonderfully light!
I do this with my friend I love that
Maybe I did this as a kid.
Yeah, but with a rain jacket, it’s absolutely no problem.
Yes, as a child more often:)
no until now
Very often, as a child in warm August rain.
Jaaaa, beautiful feeling 😍
I never dance
As a child, yes.
Many times
No. And I don’t do anything like that. I’m neither in kindergarten nor in a bad bead.
Multiple times, yes. I love a warm summer rain sometimes totally.
I never use umbrellas
Yeah, sure. I grew up in one of the most rainy cities in Germany… I’ve done a lot in the rain! With over 200 rain days a year, you can adapt!
I have done a lot in the rain
I am such a false thinker
… possibly also DAS!
Oha hahaha