Hast du schon mal eine Harnwegsinfektion?
Ich habe eine Harnwegsinfektion und mich würde interessieren wer das hier alles noch hatte oder vllt sogar hat.
Was hat dir geholfen?Und was hast du dagegen unternommen?Wie lange hat es bei dir gedauert?
Danke an jeden,der mir weiter hilft.
Drink and rinse. That’s the only thing that helps.
Antibiotics is the only thing that helps.
Yes, I had, then I drank a lot and left for swimming in cold water
lg lilo
Once as a child, once in adulthood. It helped antibiotics.
oke Which one do you remember?
It’s on my tongue, but I just don’t get to the name. If I remember, I’d like to write to you.
The infection just wanted to rise with me, with the therapy was eaten in a week.
It was Ciprofloxacin!
The antibiotic therapy.
Thanks and what therapy do you mean
why don’t you go to the doctor
I’ve been… even very often with a urologist and clinic.
and what do you think?
Yes it hurts and sometimes I also have cramp-like pain
does it hurt?
Ultrasound,Medicals prescribed,says that I should drink a lot and so on, but this has been so since mid-May…I really don’t know anymore and am desperate especially at the cloisters…
Jo I had it more often
What helped you?Bzw how did it go?
I think it helps to drink a lot but also medicines