Hast du in deiner Kindheit viel Liebe von deinen Eltern bekommen oder nicht? Inwiefern hat sich das auf dein Verhalten mit anderen Menschen ausgewirkt?
„Menschen die lange keine liebe erhalten haben, können mit sowas nicht von einem moment auf den nächsten umgehen, verinnerlichen und annehmen.”
I know today that I didn’t get love, because the word was abused for extortion.
What I lacked in childhood, I retrieved in a ‘anonymous’ self-help community. Today it is easy for me to give love and to accept love.
See if Emotion Anonymous addresses you: https://www.ea-selfhilfe.net/
I have a (respectful French accent) Precious Childhood in the care of the state. My helicopter termama was also very caring and trying to make me feel good. My envious, zig**ner sister tried to get me down because of this: “You already know that she only buys so much food when you come! We can’t get anything else!” And that’s the part of my childhood I don’t like. This primitive survival struggle for power, influence, money and control in Middle Eastern households. It is constantly being harassed and constantly spun any conspiracies. As a child, your own siblings will make you the few pocket money you have for your concerns, otherwise threaten you with a love draw. I don’t like it and don’t even fit into a civilized Western society, but that’s not what it is! I like the Islamic culture from afar, but from afar I’m getting sick.
had not been
What do you see from the so-called ‘civilized, western society’? Just the facade! People can be dazzled by the facade. And so I was a bad child when I told someone I thought I could trust in my despair what I experienced with my mother. I was always blamed for a bad child.
We can’t change those who made the worst mistakes. We can’t change our childhood. But I can do something that’s fine today.